Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

NATO/US Complicity in The Relentless Israeli Genocide of Gaza

by Ann Wright, published on World Beyond War, July 17, 2024 As Israel continued its relentless genocide on steroids of Palestinians in Gaza with over 140 killed in the past weekend, imprisonment without charges of thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank and destruction of the hospitals, universities, schools (8 UNRWA schools bombed in the past 10 days), cultural centers[…]

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Germany Buries the Evidence of Complicity in Genocide; Nicaragua Exposes It

by John Perry, published on AFGJ:NicaNotes, April 25, 2024 Nicaragua’s complaint at the ICJ against Germany for complicity in Genocide is a constructive follow-on to the earlier case brought by South Africa against Israel for committing Genocide in Palestine.  Neither will have a final resolution any time soon, but when the time comes, Germany will be on the docket with[…]

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Gaza Massacre Could Lead To Nuclear War

Statement from Veterans for Peace, published on Popular Resistance,  November 21, 2023 As military veterans who have experienced the deadly threat of nuclear weapons from the Cuban Missile Crisis onward, as well as being distraught and outraged by what is now going on in Gaza, we must warn against the potential of a wider war in the Middle East, one[…]

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