Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Democratic Party Convention: Lesser Evilism Strikes With a Vengeance and a Cacophony of Corporate Media Hype

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action,  August 25, 2024 24,500 full size posters reading “We ♥ Joe” [See photo above] were held high by virtually every Democratic Party Convention delegate and attendee jammed into Chicago’s United Center to cheer for yesterday’s disgraced and withdrawn presidential candidate, Genocide Joe Biden. That the Biden-Harris administration presided over a new congressionally approved[…]

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Palestinians Starve While White House Feast Honors Kenya’s Killer President Ruto: Biden Backs 1000 Kenyan Troops to Enforce US-imposed Haitian Dictatorship

by Joe Allen, published on Socialist Action, July 11, 2024 [Editor’s note, Jeff Mackler (of SA): We reprint here Joe Allen’s CounterPunch account of “Genocide Joe” Biden’s May 23 White House state dinner with 500 dignitaries invited to honor Kenyan President William Ruto. Allen’s article was originally entitled, “Brandon Johnson [ChicagoMayor] Dines with Biden, While Protests at the DNC Loom on[…]

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Trump Derangement Syndrome Returns

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 5, 2023 If democrats were smart, Donald Trump would be a disgraced former president, forgotten by all but his most ardent admirers. But they aren’t smart and they may have given him a political resurrection. Donald Trump is back in the news. He is facing a 34-count indictment for paying people[…]

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Pension reform or Revolution! Crisis for the French Fifth Republic?

by Muhammad Shabeer, published by People’s Dispatch, March 29, 2023 When it bypassed Parliament and forced through pension system changes, Macron’s government exposed the anti-democratic deterioration in the Fifth Republic’s dual-executive system, writes Muhammed Shabeer. Major trade unions in France estimate that two million people hit the streets across France on Tuesday, March 28, denouncing the controversial pension reforms pushed by Emmanuel Macron’s[…]

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Democrats, the More Effective Evil

by Chris Hedges, published on ScheerPost., February 14, 2022 The title phrase was originally coined by our good friend Glen Ford.  Brilliant, in any context. {jb} When all else fails, when you are clueless about how to halt a 7.5% inflation rate, when your Build Back Better bill is gutted, when you renege on your promise to raise the minimum[…]

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Democratic Betrayal, Abortion and the Supreme Court

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, December 8, 2021 “What about the Supreme Court?” Those words are used to thwart any discussion which questions support for the Democratic Party. The democrats maintain their hold on voters who would otherwise be rid of them by dredging up the fear of the federal judiciary falling under Republican Party control. The legal[…]

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Master Biden Speaks

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, December 16, 2020 Joe Biden’s arrogant, racist tone is a bizarre reflection of systemic racism in our society and especially among those in leadership positions. Sadly, I am quite certain he doesn’t hear it himself.[jb] The civil rights groups’ rather basic requests for voting rights protections and the need for federal intervention to[…]

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