Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

US Government Exploits Animosity Towards Migrants to Demonize Socialist Countries

by Jill Clark Gollub, published on the Orinoco Tribune, July 9, 2024 The Republican party has been waging a blatantly racist campaign to criminalize migrants. Instead of pushing back on that narrative, the party that purports to be for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Democrats) is exploiting this racist anger to discredit a country it has targeted for regime change—Nicaragua—apparently for[…]

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US Congressional Resolution Calls for Annulling the Monroe Doctrine and Ending Sanctions

by Roger D. Harris, published on Popular Resistance, January 18, 2024 Now, 200 years after President James Monroe first promulgated his dictate giving the Yankees dominion of the rest of the hemisphere, a congressional resolution calls for annulling the Monroe Doctrine and replacing it with a “new good neighbor” policy. The intent is to “foster improved relations and deeper, more effective cooperation”[…]

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Palestine: History Will not Forgive the Indifferent, and We Will not be Among Them

by Miguel Diaz-Canel, President of Cuba, published on Resumen English, October 28, 2023 Sixty-three years ago, in a historic speech before the United Nations General Assembly, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, said and I quote: “Wars, since the beginning of humanity, have arisen, fundamentally, for one reason: the desire of some to dispossess others of[…]

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AMLO: US Blockade Against Cuba and Venezuela Behind Migration Crisis

from Orinoco Tribune, October 4, 2023 Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador blamed the United States’ sanctions and blockade policy against Cuba and Venezuela as the cause of increased regional migration. During his daily press conference on Monday, October 2, López Obrador directly linked US imperialist foreign policy in Latin America to the 10,000 daily arrivals of migrants at the[…]

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Denounce the Molotov Cocktail Bombing Of Cuba’s Washington, D.C. Embassy!

Statement by Socialist Action’s National Committee, published on Socialist Action, September 27, 2023 Statement by Socialist Action’s National Committee Terrorists attacked the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C. in the late evening of Sunday, September 24, deploying two Molotov cocktails. Fortunately no one was hurt. The responsibility for this horror resides solely with the U.S. government that has conducted, encouraged, and[…]

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CUBA Statement from Iranian Friends at HOLA

Statement by HOLA, September 25, 2023 Statement of the House of Latin America (HOLA) on the terrorist act against Cuban embassy in Washington Hours after more than thousand of people gathered in a meeting in New York city – with the presence of the Cuban president – to express solidarity with Cuban people and demand an end to brutal sanctions[…]

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Declaration of the Summit of Heads of State of the G77 and China

The summit held in Havana was attended by more than 1,300 participants from 116 countries and 12 organizations and agencies of the United Nations system. Thirty-three nations from Latin America and the Caribbean, 46 from Africa, 34 from Asia and three from Europe were represented. Thirty-one heads of state and government, 12 vice presidents, dozens of ministers from multiple portfolios[…]

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A Canadian Left View on Cuba’s July 26 Moncada

by Arnold August, published on The Canada Files, July 26, 2023 In 1953, when virtually all the progressive and revolutionary forces in Cuba offered no viable solution to oppose the U.S.-backed Batista dictatorship, Fidel Castro and his comrades did indeed work out a path. It was a route characterized by game-changing statements coupled with exceptionally courageous deeds, out of which[…]

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Iran in America’s Backyard: Raisi’s Defiant Latin America Tour

by Zafar Mehdi, published on The Cradle, June 23, 2023 On 21 June, the US House Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Subcommittee conducted a hearing on “countering threats posed by nation-state actors” in Latin America to US homeland security. Congressman and subcommittee chair August Pfluger referred to “threats” posed by China, Russia, and Iran to US homeland security within Latin[…]

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U.S. Imperialism and Gangsterism in Cuba

The United States has declared war against the Cuban people for more than 60 years. Terrorist designations, sanctions and military threats create great suffering in that nation.  BAR contributing editor Ajamu Baraka presented these remarks at a recent International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism on Cuba .                            […]

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