Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Silence on Imran Khan

by Craig Murray, published on Consortium News, August 9, 2023 Pakistan has imposed a media blackout over the deposed prime minister and thousands of new political prisoners incarcerated in appalling conditions. Condemnation in the U.K. and U.S. has been non-existent. Given the large population in the U.K. of Pakistani origin, the lack of serious media coverage of the overthrow and[…]

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How America Took Out the Nordstream Pipeline

by Seymour Hersh, published on his Substack, February 8, 2023 The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now. The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City,[…]

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The Puppets and the Puppet Masters

by Chris Hedges,  published on The Chris Hedges Report, October 8, 2022 This is the talk given by Chris Hedges outside the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. on Saturday October 8 at a rally that called on the U.S. to revoke its extradition request for Julian Assange. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Merrick Garland and those who work in the Department[…]

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Whistleblower Julian Assange and the CIA’s Daily Wars Against Humanity

By Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, August 24, 2022 Of the estimated 1.4 million top security clearance U.S. personnel employed by one or another of the government’s 18 branches of its $81 billion annually budgeted “U.S. Intelligence Community,” perhaps one or two individuals each year are designated as “whistleblowers” and persecuted to the high heavens. Today WikiLeaks founder and[…]

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The Democratic Republic of Congo Has Effectively Been Recolonized by Western Capital

by Owen Schalk, published on CovertAction Magazine, August 3, 2022 The United States does the heavy lifting, but Canada provides consistent behind-the-scenes support to enable the plunder of Congo and other nations in the Global South. On October 14, 2004, a group of ten armed men took control of the city of Kilwa in the eastern Katanga province of the[…]

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The Latest Phase of their Long-Term Strategy to Divide and Control the Left

by Stansfield Smith, published on the Orinoco Tribune, June 24, 2022 The US rulers use many tools to disrupt and disorganize the anti-war and anti-imperialist left. Three discussed here include: one, corporate control of the news media gives them free reign to spread disinformation and fake news against foreign and domestic targets. Two, they use government and corporate foundation resources[…]

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First Somali Congressperson Legitimizes AFRICOM and US Drone War

by Netfa Freeman and Tunde Osazua, published on Black Agenda Report, May 13, 2020 Rep. Omar recently commended the US war machine for increasing the “transparency” and “accountability” of its bombing of her native country. “Instead of this being an asset to expose AFRICOM and to the decolonization Africa, Rep. Omar validates the role of AFRICOM.” United States representatives, no[…]

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Ukrainian Roulette: the ‘Ukrainegate’ Gamble

By Enzo Calandra, published on Black Agenda Report, December 4, 2019 Liberals have enlisted the CIA to repudiate a clearly obscene and grotesque president because they themselves are obscene and grotesque in many of the same ways. “Trump’s more serious violations are not pursued as crimes because they are common practice by both the liberal and conservative parties.” By allying[…]

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Assange Displayed Signs of Torture in Courtroom Farce

By Craig Murray, Published on Consortium News, October 22, 2019 I was deeply shaken while witnessing yesterday’s events in Westminster Magistrates Court. Every decision was railroaded through over the scarcely heard arguments and objections of Assange’s legal team, by a magistrate who barely pretended to be listening. Before I get on to the blatant lack of fair process, the first[…]

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