Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Police corruption is rife from Baltimore to Philadelphia

Pam Africa (right) leads a march in the snow in Philadelphia on Dec. 9, the anniversary of the 1981 arrest and shooting of Black activist and political commentator Mumia Abu-Jamal. Mumia was framed up by cops and the corrupt “justice” system on false charges of killing a Philadelphia police officer. The marchers demanded that the Philadelphia district attorney’s office release[…]

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Bolivia’s TIPNIS Dispute

As has become a standard operating procedure, an array of Western environmental NGOs, advocates of indigenous rights and liberal-left alternative media cover up the US role in attempts to overturn the anti-imperialist and anti-neoliberal governments of Rafael Correa in Ecuador and Evo Morales in Bolivia. Bolivia’s TIPNIS Dispute: Example of How Liberal-Left Alternative Media Becomes a Conveyor Belt for US[…]

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Venezuela crisis intensifies with default

by Wayne Delucca. originally published on Socialist Action Credit agency Standard & Poor has ruled Venezuela in default after the country missed $237 million in scheduled bond payments. This comes amidst an economic crisis with official inflation around 4000% and price increases well over 1000%. President Nicolás Maduro’s attempt to restructure is hindered by sanctions that stop U.S. banks from[…]

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Electoral Coup Attempt in Honduras

by Rick Sterling, Originally Published in The American Herald Tribune INTRODUCTION Honduras is in crisis. Results from the election last Sunday have been delayed day after day but could be announced any moment. There have been streets protests for the past several days with several people killed. Constitutional rights have been suspended and a curfew imposed. The current president and[…]

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Mugabe resigns after military takeover in Zimbabwe

By Wayne Delucca, originally printed on Socialist Action On Nov. 14, the Zimbabwe Defense Forces took control of the capital city, Harare. A week later, Robert Mugabe—the only leader Zimbabwe has had since independence in 1980—resigned. On the 24th, Emmerson Mnangagwa, Mugabe’s former right-hand man and until Nov. 6 the vice president, became the new president. The coup was brewing[…]

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Standing Up to the National Anthem

by James Ricks This Nation’s anthem was composed by Francis Scott Key, a racist, white supremacist, anti-abolitionist lawyer. He felt that black people, free or slave, were genetically inferior to white people. That perception was the foundation of his legal pursuits. When he was the District Attorney for the City of Washington, he defended slavery and prosecuted those in the abolitionist[…]

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