Women’s March on the Pentagon: Women Speak Out!

by Netra Halperin, from Consortium News, October 23, 2018

Consortium News videographer Netra Halperin has produced a full video report of Sunday’s Women’s March on America’s center for planning and executing war.

About 1,500 women and allied men marched on the Pentagon on Sunday to demand an end to perpetual war and the funding of education, health care and other social needs instead.

After marching one mile from Pentagon City a rally was held from a stage set up in a Pentagon parking lot, against the backdrop of the five-sided war headquarters.

Watch Netra Halperin’s one minute trailer, followed by her full, 28 minute report, which include interviews with comedian Lee Camp, a peace activist from Okinawa, retired U.S. Army Colonel and State Dept. official Ann Wright, Minar Muhawesh, founder of Mint Press News:


Full Video (28 minutes):

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