Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

POWIR In Solidarity with Ahed Tamimi

“My daughter is just 16 years old. In another world, in your world, her life would look completely different. In our world, Ahed is a representative of a new generation of our people, of young freedom fighters. This generation has to wage its struggle on two fronts. On the one hand, they have the duty, of course, to keep on[…]

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Perspective on the Iranian Protests

Mass demonstration in Iran’s provincial cities made international news as 2017 ended and elicited tweets from the U.S. president warning Iran’s government not to suppress the protesters. To help orient the progressive and anti-war movement in the United States, Workers World managing editor John Catalinotto spoke with Sara Flounders, co-coordinator of the International Action Center and organizer of the Stop[…]

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Protests and Riots in Iran: An Iranian Perspective

by Faramak Zahraei, first published on The World Shia Forum Much raucous was raised by U.S. ambassador to U.N., Nikki Haley (Tuesday January 3rd, 2018) as she called for emergency Security Council meeting over riots in Iran. U.S. President Trump had earlier and prior to the riots warned Iranian leaders, in particular Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, under guise[…]

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Lamenting Venezuela’s ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ While Blocking Its Resolution

The responsibility of the U.S. citizenry and its press alike should be to oppose interference by our government. by Roger Harris, originally published in TeleSUR, 1/2/18 A New York Times headline screams “As Venezuela collapses, children are dying of hunger.” Lurid pictures show dead infants. A companion “article of the day teaching activities,” asks: “Why do some young children choose[…]

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GMOs, Global Agribusiness And The Destruction of Choice

by Colin Todhunter, originally published on CounterCurrents Blog One of the myths perpetuated by the pro-GMO (genetically modified organisms) lobby is that critics of GMOs in agriculture are denying choice to farmers and have an ideological agenda. The narrative is that farmers should have access to a range of tools and technologies, including GM crops. Before addressing this issue, we[…]

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Iran Protests: Pulling Back the Curtain of Mainstream Media Propaganda

Several U.S. media organizations – e.g. CNN, New York Times – have used photos of the pro-Islamic Republic mass demonstrations for their articles on the opposition protests. These kinds of false media practices serve the purpose of giving their audience the impression that the anti-government demonstrations have had huge turnouts. by Liberation News, published on Mint Press News Starting Dec.[…]

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Time to Call Anew for Disarming Drones

Delegates to the 1899 Hague Convention got it right on aerial bombardment. by Nick Mottern, originally published on Know Drones Those of us who have been advocating for an end to drone attacks and the disarming of drones have “ancestors” in those who, in 1899, persuaded The Hague Convention to adopt a five-year ban on dropping bombs from hot air[…]

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Venezuela’s Fragile Revolution: From Chávez To Maduro

By Steve Ellner Above Photo: Andreas Lehner/ Flickr Professor Steve Ellner argues that by pinpointing strategic errors – especially in the context of unrelenting hostility by powerful forces on the right – Chavismo’s supporters and sympathizers can offer a corrective to the sweeping condemnations of the government of Nicolás Maduro now coming from both right and left. The Venezuelan experience of nearly[…]

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