Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Growing Homelessness Alongside Luxury Towers

by Jeff Sorel, originally published on Workers World, March 10, 2018 Chicago — The goal of “a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family” is embedded in the federal Housing Act of 1949.  Yet, on a single winter night in 2016, according to a federal agency count, “544,084 people experienced homelessness in the United States.” Of[…]

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The ‘Human Rights’ War on Syria

Claire Mallinson, national director of Amnesty International Australia. Image courtesy of News Limited by Jeremy Salt, originally published in the American Tribune The perfidious role of ‘human rights’ organizations in the war on Syria has been exposed again with the Amnesty International report on Syria for 2017/18, followed by an equally tendentious article in the Melbourne ‘Age’ newspaper by Claire[…]

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Yemen: 3 Years of War

By Azza Rojbi  of MAWO, originally published on Fire This Time Yemen is “the world’s largest man-made humanitarian crisis”. Those were the words of UN special envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, as he gave his final briefing to the UN security council on the situation in Yemen. In this briefing, not once were the daily aggression and airstrikes[…]

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The Russians are Coming?

Kevin Zeese of Popular Resistance circulated the following article by Mike Whitney in their daily newsletter about a week ago with the personal note below.   I thought about replacing the note with one of our own, but but what Kevin has to say is important and I can’t say it better.   But I do want to add a brief comment[…]

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Ukraine and Donbass: Four years of Solidarity and Struggle

New York protest against right-wing coup in Ukraine, Feb. 28, 2014. by Greg Butterfield, originally published on Workers World, 2/22/18 Based on a presentation given at a Workers World Party class in New York City on Feb. 20, 2018. Four years ago this week, a coup overthrew the elected government of Ukraine. Both the Democratic and Republican wings of the[…]

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Resisting Calls to ‘Do Something’ About Syria

A fighter of Syrian Democratic Forces stands amidst the ruins of buildings near the Clock Square in Raqqa, Syria October 18, 2017 ~REUTERS/Erik De Castro/File photo by Caitlin Johnstone, Feb 28, 2018 “We’ve got to do something about Syria!” goes the common Western refrain. Actually, no you don’t. “What? You’re saying we should just do nothing??” goes the common response. Yes. Yeah that’d[…]

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The 12 Victories of Venezuelan President Maduro in 2017

By Ignacio Ramonet , from Fire This Time, originally published on TeleSUR. Maduro has confirmed – with his twelve brilliant victories of 2017- that he continues to be “indestructible.” To begin with, we must remember that President Nicolás Maduro is the most unjustly harassed, slandered and assaulted president in the history of Venezuela. Even more than Hugo Chávez himself, founder[…]

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