Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

We Can Beat the Climate Destroyers

By Bruce Lesnick, originally published on Socialist Action, September 7, 2018 Humanity faces a multi-faceted crisis. Endless wars of imperial aggression, both overt and covert—from Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan to Yemen, Palestine, and Central and South America. These conflagrations compel those at the bottom of the economic pyramid to fight and die to protect the wealth and privileges of[…]

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How Do Weapons Makers Sleep at Night?

by David Swanson, published on Let’s Try Democracy, September 11, 2018 A new report by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies “focuses on the five largest U.S. arms manufacturers — Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics — and their dealings with three repressive nations: Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt.” This may prove to be a very valuable approach.[…]

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We Can No Longer Afford a Fossil Fuel Economy

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Countercurrents, September 8, 2018 The Global #RiseForClimate actions are just one example of many that the climate justice movement is building the power needed to transform the economy and put in place policies to confront climate change.  The ingredients exist for the climate justice movement to rapidly succeed. A challenge is not knowing how much[…]

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Brazil’s Presidential Elections Jolted by Events

Brazil’s National Museum fire destroys millions of artifacts. by John Catalinotto, originally published on Workers World, September 10, 2018 Sept. 10 — As Brazil heads for the first round of its presidential and national assembly election on Oct. 7, three dramatic events are shaking this massive country. Encompassing nearly half the land area of South America and more than half[…]

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Kavanaugh Scorns International Law and Loves Executive Power

Editor’s Note: Brett Kavanaugh may or may not land in the Supreme Court.  What is interesting about this article is it clearly articulates a mindset that permeates the U.S. political establishment as a whole and much of the judiciary as well.  John Bolton’s recent outburst of defiance towards the International Criminal Court is an example of this mentality. by Marjorie[…]

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Violent Fascism in Nicaragua and Venezuela: Interview with Fernando Bossi

Political analyst and advisor to President Chavez, Fernando Bossi, looks at the striking parallels between the reactionary offensives in two Latin American countries. By Fernando Bossi and Cira Pascual Marquina, published on Venezuelanalysis, August 22, 2018 Argentinian internationalist Fernando Bossi has a lifelong commitment to Latin American unification that has expressed itself in diverse educational and political projects. Among these[…]

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Trump Protects Al Qaeda, “The Resistance” Applauds, Cursing “Russians”

The “Russians” had to be reinstalled as the “enemy” after Obama made his alliance with Islamist jihad. Trump has now signed on as Protector of the Idlib Caliphate. by Glen Ford, originally published on Black Agenda Report, September 6, 2018 “The so-called ‘resistance is the world’s phoniest ‘left.’” The Trump administration, just like the Obama regime, is willing to start[…]

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Camilo Mejia Analyzes the Soft Coup Attempt in Nicaragua

At the Oakland event, Camilo showed a torture video which demonstrates opposition violence. | Photo: Reuters by Rick Sterling, published on TeleSUR, August 28, 2018 Western media have described the unrest and violence in Nicaragua as a ‘campaign of terror’ by government police and paramilitary. This has also been asserted by large non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In May, for example, Amnesty[…]

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