Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Towards Ending the 65 Years of Armistice: Understanding the process for peace in Korea

ZoomInKorea Interview with Gregory Erlich, July 24, 2018 July 27, 2018 marks the 65th anniversary of the Armistice Agreement which brought about a ceasefire to the Korean War. The agreement was signed by North Korean General Nam Il representing both the Korean People’s Army (KPA) as well as the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army (PVA) and U.S. Army Lieutenant General Harrison,[…]

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Thousands resist pollution from copper smelting plant in India

By Ruan Munasinghe, originally published on Socialist Action, July 12, 2018 On May 22, thousands of protesters in the town and district of Thoothukudi (also known by its British name, Tuticorin), in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, expressed anguish as victims of pollution from the area’s copper smelter. Police and paramilitary fired into the crowd, killing 13 and injuring[…]

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GMO Agriculture and the Narrative of Choice

Spraying Monsanto Roundup GE Agriculture, GMO by Colin Todhunter, originally published on CounterPunch The pro-GMO lobby claim critics of the technology ‘deny farmers choice’. They say that farmers should have access to a range of tools and technologies. It is all about maximising choice and options. Taken at face value, who would want to deny choice? At the same time,[…]

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Argentina: Over 60 Social Movements Protest US ‘Military Base’

Mapuche people of Neuquen are part of the 60 organizations that oppose the U.S. base. | Photo: @pcayuqueo from TeleSUR, July 12, 2018 The organizations led a caravan to the site where a U.S. base will be built to demand respect for Argentina’s territorial sovereignty. In Argentina, political parties, social organizations, human rights groups, workers’ unions and Mapuches held a caravan[…]

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The Land Question: Unpacking Expropriation Without Compensation in South Africa

by Nombuso Mathibela, originally published on Pambazuka News “Pay no one for land acquired illegally.” The radical thesis of seizing property from white landholders without compensation was adopted in the ANC’s 54th National Conference in December 2017 and subsequently most vehemently motioned in the National Assembly by the opposition party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). The motion was passed with[…]

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Enough Is Enough! Tama na! Sobra na!

SONA 2018 Unites the Filipino People for Genuine Freedom from Duterte’s Tyranny No one is buying Duterte’s wholesale betrayal of the Philippine nation and its people. Duterte’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) 2018 address attempts to force-feed the Filipino people a litany of new empty promises for developing the economy, eradicating corruption, and securing the welfare of the people.[…]

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British Collusion and Criminality

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published in her Freedom Rider column on Black Agenda Report, July 11, 2018 “Collusion continues not between Trump and Russians, but between intelligence agencies, the media and American politicians with hidden agendas.” Most people believe that Donald Trump owes his presidency to Russian activity because they have been told this repeatedly for the past two years.[…]

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Arab Community Resists in Chicago Suburb

Protesters welcome Sharon Brannigan (in pink) and her fellow trustees with “Racists Enter Here” banner as they walk in to start monthly township meeting in May. Protesters welcome Sharon Brannigan (in pink) and her fellow trustees with “Racists Enter Here” banner as they walk in to start Fight Back!  interview with Bassem Kawar, national coordinator of the Campaign to TAKE[…]

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