Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Media’s Deafening Silence On Latest WikiLeaks Drops Is Its Own Scandal

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on, December 28, 2019 WikiLeaks has published yet another set of leaked internal documents from within the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) adding even more material to the mountain of evidence that we’ve been lied to about an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria last year which resulted in airstrikes upon[…]

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Technocracy Now! The US Is Working to Turn Lebanon’s Anti-Corruption Protests Against Hezbollah

by Rania Khalek, published on The Grayzone, December 1, 2019 Lebanon erupted in massive protests this October. The demonstrations transcended sect and class, and quickly spread across the country. The movement was spurred by the levying of regressive taxes and the persistence of a corrupt neoliberal order that has mismanaged the economy and hollowed out the public sector while enriching[…]

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Why We Persist: Activists Have Protested US Drone Base for Over a Decade

by Ed Kinane, published on, December 22, 2019 “All human beings possess the basic right under international law to engage in non-violent civil resistance activities for the purpose of preventing, impeding, or terminating the ongoing commission of [international crime].” — International law expert Francis Boyle Nonviolent civil resistance against international crime is about effectiveness and persistence. Or as Dorothy[…]

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US Venezuelan Embassy Protectors Denied the Right to a Fair Trial

by Ajamu Baraka and Bahman Azad, published on Popular Resistance, December 15, 2019 On Friday, December 13, Judge Beryl A. Howell, the chief judge of the US District Court, denied the discovery motions requested by the four embassy protectors who were arrested on May 16 after staying in the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, DC for 37 days to prevent it[…]

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Behind the U.S. anti-China Campaign

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, December 18, 2018 In order to evaluate the claims of massive human rights violations of the Uyghurs, an ethnic and religious minority in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, it is important to know a few facts. Xinjiang Province in the far western region of China is an arid, mountainous and still[…]

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Afghanistan Papers Proves U.S. Invasion Was Built on Lies, Deceit and Confusion

The ‘expose’ in the Washington Post is very interesting.   They are comparing it to the Pentagon Papers, but although it is worthy of attention, and uses  high level and insider sources, the information isn’t new.  The analysis comes from a mainstream news outlet, which is refreshing.  It is notable that Jeff Bezos has been doing interviews about this release himself,[…]

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Bolivia’s New US-Backed Interim Gov’t Wastes No Time Privatizing Economy

by Alan McLeod, published on MintPress News, December 16, 2019 It has been barely one month since the administration of Jeanine Añez seized power in a military coup in Bolivia, but it has wasted no time in attempting to transform the economy and society. Its latest move is aimed at privatizing the country’s economy. A government spokesperson confirmed the fears[…]

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How to answer the question, ‘Do you recognize Israel’s right to exist?’

Steven Salaita is one of the academics who had his career destroyed by the Zionist cabal in the United States.   He continues to write occasional pieces for publication in the alternative,  media.  In his latest article he addresses a pivotal subject. [ed] by Steven Salaita, published on Mondoweiss, December 10, 2019 When anti-Zionists discuss the Middle East, the topic of[…]

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Hundreds of Journalists Around the World Sign Open Letter Demanding Freedom for Assange

by Oscar Grenfell, published on the World Socialist Website, December 9, 2019 Hundreds of journalists and media workers from every corner of the globe have put their name to an impassioned open letter demanding the unconditional freedom of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and an immediate “end to the legal campaign being waged against him for the crime of revealing war[…]

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