Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

National Antiwar Conference Builds Unity, Plans Next Steps

by Scott Williams, posted on Workers World, February 26, 2020 New York Over 300 activists and organizers from across the U.S. and Canada met here on Feb. 21-23 for the United National Antiwar Coalition national conference, “Rise Against Militarism, Racism and the Climate Crisis – Building Power Together.” The opening plenum focused on the role of the U.S. anti-war movement[…]

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Sanctions Kill! End US Sanctions on Nicaragua

by Chuck Kaufman, published on NicaNotes, February 26, 2020 When we hear the word sanctions, most Latin America solidarity activists think immediately of Venezuela. But Nicaragua is also the target of unilateral coercive measures illegally imposed by the US and the most serious sanction, the NICA Act, can’t be blamed on the Trump regime since it was imposed by Congress.[…]

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In Defense of Mother Earth: What is Happening in Wet’suwet’en?

by Alison Bodine, published in Fire This Time Newsletter Volume 14, Issue #2, February 2020 In the dark early morning on February 6, 2020, the RCMP violently raided Wet’suwet’en territory in Northern British Columbia, Canada. “They’re invading our people again, starting in the wee hours of the morning, arresting people who have been providing food and medical supplies to our[…]

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Netanyahu and Trump Must Learn the Lessons of Apartheid South Africa

by Ronnie Kasrils, published on Middle East Eye, February 24, 2020 To South Africans, US President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century”, handed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a silver platter, looks like the clone of an apartheid state. Hendrik Verwoerd, the former South African prime minister and architect of apartheid, stated as far back as 1961: “The[…]

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U.S. Military Budget Seen From Italy

By Manlio Dinucci posted on Workers World, February 19, 2020 Published Feb. 18 in Il Manifesto in Dinucci’s “Art of War” column, which examines Trump’s proposed military budget. Translation by John Catalinotto. The “Budget for the Future of America,” which the U.S. government submitted, shows what the Trump administration’s priorities are in the federal budget for fiscal year 2021 (which[…]

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Bloomberg Wants to Swallow the Democrats and Spit Out the Sandernistas

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, February 20, 2020 If, somehow, Bernie Sanders is allowed to win the nomination, Michael Bloomberg and other plutocrats will have created a Democratic Party machinery purpose-built to defy Sanders — as nominee, and even as president. “No one knows how much abuse and humiliation the Sanders faction is willing to endure to[…]

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‘Tired of Holding Other Worlds in My Fist’

by Vijay Prashad, published on Consorteum News, February 17, 2020 originally published on Tricontinental Institute, February 7, 2020 In November 2019, the Bolivian army – with a nudge from the shadows – told its President Evo Morales Ayma to resign. Morales would eventually go to Mexico and then seek asylum in Argentina. Jeanine Áñez, a far-right politician who was not[…]

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Libya Before and After Muammar Gaddhafi

by Roxana Baspineiro, Published on Black Agenda Report, February 5, 2020 Nine years after his death, residents in the chaos-wracked country’s capital have grown to miss the longtime leader as the frustrations of daily life mount. “Gaddafi ruled for 42 years, leading Libya to a significant advance in social, political and economic matters.” Nine years after the military intervention, led by[…]

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