Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

On the 75th Anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Martyrdom We Shall Strengthen the Struggle Against Nuclear Weapons

by Socorro Gomez, published on the US Peace Council Website, August 5, 2020 This August 6 and 9, humanity rememorates one of the greatest tragedies in History, which was even more nefarious because it was caused by human action, that of US imperialism. The inauguration of nuclear weapons by the United States against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,[…]

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The Roots of Trump’s Immigration Policy

by Barry Shephard, published on Socialist Action, August 15, 2020 Sand and Blood: America’s Stealth War on the Mexico Border By John Carlos Frey Bold Type Books, 2019 This book presents a harrowing well-researched description of Washington’s war against immigrants on the Mexican border. The author is an investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker. Frey was born in Tijuana, Mexico. His[…]

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Why 5G is the First Stage of a Tech War Between the U.S. and China

by Prabir Purkayastha, published on Counterpunch, August 14, 2020 The U.S. tech war on China continues, banning Chinese equipment from its network, and asking its Five Eyes partners and NATO allies to follow suit. It is a market and a technology denial regime that seeks to win back manufacturing that the U.S. and European countries have lost to China. International[…]

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Tik-Tok and The War on China

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, August 12, 2020 Every charge that Trump and his minions make against Chinese companies is true for US corporations, which have been spying on Americans and the rest of the world for decades. “Dedollarization is well underway and will only accelerate with every attack.” The seemingly strange Trump administration attack on the[…]

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Illegal Terror Against Im/migrants Continues

By B.L.S. San Antonio, Texas, published on Workers World,  August 11, 2020 “They told me not to tell my family where I was,” a Haitian asylum-seeker recounted. “I heard people being taken away in the hall [of the hotel] screaming, ‘I’m not going! I’m not going!’” In the month of July, Immigration and Customs Enforcement held nearly 200 immigrant children,[…]

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A Deep Cut on Lebanon

by Jeremy Salt, published on the American Herald Tribune, August 11, 2020 In the old days there was no more charming city in the eastern Mediterranean than Beirut.  Set on a maritime plain with the mountains rising dramatically behind it, the scenery was magnificent, the culture charming, the people hospitable and the city rich in history. Unfortunately, however, Lebanon’s prime[…]

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Protests in US Against Children’s Book ‘P is for Palestine’

Posted on Middle East Monitor, October 25, 2019  This is and older report which only now came to my attention.  I think it is worth sharing.  Recently, a Palestinian American friend who lives in a largely Arab immigrant community showed me what local teenagers (working at home due to COVID) are learning about Palestine and Israel in school.  She was[…]

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Beirut Mega-Blast Unleashes Political Tsunami

By John Catalinotto published on Workers World, August 11, 2020 Aug. 10 — An earthquake-size explosion in the port of Beirut on Aug. 4 killed 200, wounded 6,000 and left 300,000 people homeless in that densely populated city. It also unleashed a political tsunami that pulled in regional and imperialist powers as well as Lebanese political forces. The first indications[…]

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Examining the Wreckage White Supremacy and Imperialism Have Wrought

by Nick Estes and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, published on Black Agenda Report, August 5, 2019 Indigenous and African resistance and intellectual traditions provide key insights to the very nature of capitalism and how it has unfolded throughout space and time. “The young people in the streets are true revolutionary theoreticians, moving history along, sometimes at speeds that feel daunting.” The United[…]

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