Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Treading In Deep Water

by Greg Godels, published on ZZ’s Blog, September 7, 2020 With less than two months remaining before the US elections, expectations are growing. Even the most indifferent citizen senses that the US (and much of the world) is faced with a host of seemingly intractable crises, unprecedented in scope. These crises– epidemiological, social, political, and economic– have intensified and brought[…]

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Kevin Zeese, The Passing of a Warrior for Peace and Justice

by Marsha Coleman-Abedayo, published on Black Agenda Report, September 9, 2020 The human rights community mourns veteran activist Kevin Zeese, my friend and comrade. “He stood his ground and left an indelible mark in our memory and the landscape of the fight for human decency and liberation of the human spirit.”  “For the Anniversary of My Death” by W.S. Merwin   Every[…]

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Kevin Zeese — Presente!

Kevin Zeese, co-director of Popular Resistance with his partner Margaret Flowers, passed away early this morning.   Kevin has been an active member of the UNAC Administrative Committee for over a year, playing critical roles in numerous actions including our conference this spring and collaborations like the No Foreign Bases Coalition, the Hands Off Syria Coalition, the Sanctions Kill Coalition and[…]

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American Environmentalism’s Racist Roots Have Shaped Global Thinking About Conservation

by Prakash Kashwan, published on Consortium News, September 3, 2020 (originally published on  The Conversation) The United States is having a long-overdue national reckoning with racism. From criminal justice to pro sports to pop culture, Americans increasingly are recognizing how racist ideas have influenced virtually every sphere of life in this country. This includes the environmental movement. Recently the Sierra[…]

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The US is a Racist Militia

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, September 2, 2020 U.S. cops are already racist and brutal, and any militia “infiltrators” would feel right at home. “Kyle Rittenhouse was acting like the police who shot and severely wounded Jacob Blake.” It is common to see news stories reporting that white supremacists or right wing groups have infiltrated police departments.[…]

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The Democratic & Republican Conventions: A Socialist Action Fact Check

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, September 3, 2020 When capitalism’s twin billionaire parties convene every four years to select their would–be head-of-state, it’s important to get the facts straight. Critical readers in my near-octogenarian generation – the same as Donald Trump’s and Joseph Biden’s – should have a basic familiarity with historically established facts. I leave it to[…]

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Police Kill. We March. Why?

by Mark P. Fancher, published on Black Agenda Report, September 2, 2020 We must instead think creatively about how to either take total community control of law enforcement as an institution or to bring about an independent, nation-building, self-governing reality. “We are able to develop new approaches to community security adapted to the current material conditions of our community.” In[…]

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