Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

SCOTUS’s Latest Attack on Affirmative Action

by Monica Moorehead, published on Workers World, June 30, 2023 The Supreme Court of the United States confirmed once again what an utterly reactionary, rightwing institution it is by striking down the right to use affirmative action in college admissions. The 6-3 ruling, issued June 29, stems from two cases – Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard University and Students[…]

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Inconvenient Truths Confront Biden

Editorial from Workers World, June 28, 2023 It is amusing to see  Biden mimicking the language that Putin and Xi use to describe the relationship between Russia and China.  It is also notable that Narendra Modi was personally banned from entering the United States for a number of years from the time he instigated a Hindu on Muslim pogrom in[…]

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Foreign Agents Registration Act is a Tool to Repress Dissent

published on FightBack News, April 30, 2023 Outrageous indictments and arrest warrants issued for APSP leadership.  At the antiwar rally in Washington DC on March 18, Omali Yeshitela said “These people must be really stupid if they think that Black People in the US need Russians to tell them that they are oppressed!”  [jb] Minneapolis, MN – On April 18,[…]

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Why Americans Are Shot At The “Wrong House”

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 26, 2023 People in the U.S. venerate its violent history, support violence committed by the state, and remain very racist, yet express shock when individuals kill and maim.  In recent days there have been widely reported stories about individuals in the United States who were shot because they were in the “wrong” location. The most[…]

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US Hands Off the Antiwar Movement and the African People’s Socialist Party

Statement by the United National Antiwar Coalition The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) condemns the indictment of Omali Yeshiteli, chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and other members for expressing their views on Ukraine.  The indictment charges them of “conspiring to covertly sow discord in U.S. society, spread Russian propaganda and interfere illegally in U.S. elections.”  This indictment[…]

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Tennessee Goddam

Editorial, published on Workers World, April 10, 2023 Bulletin: The Nashville Metropolitan Council voted to have Rep. Justin Jones reinstated to the Tennessee House of Representatives. The Shelby County Commissioners will vote on whether to reinstate Rep. Justin Pearson. Alabama’s gotten me so upset Tennessee made me lose my rest And everybody knows about Mississippi Goddam (Mississippi Goddam, Nina Simone,1964)[…]

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Colonial-Capitalist Fascism and Its Deadly Outcome

Statement by Black Alliance for Peace, January 30, 2023 The State Murder of Tortuguita in Atlanta and Tyre Nichols in Memphis Are Inextricably Linked The cold-blooded assassination of Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, also known as Tortuguita, Spanish for “Little Turtle,” is a reminder that fascism in the United States cannot be reduced to the political intentions of avowed white nationalists.[…]

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White Lives Matter More in Ukraine

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, January 4, 2023 The open white supremacy and fascism exhibited in Ukraine are conveniently swept under the rug. Nazis are bad, unless they serve the interests of the U.S. state. The accuracy of this commentary’s title is borne out by statements made and actions taken by the Ukrainians themselves. In 2020 millions of people around[…]

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Xi JinPing, Justin Trudeau and White Supremacist Ideology

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, November 23, 2022 Western arrogance and anger about the economic prowess of a non-white nation resulted in Xi Jinping’s very public dressing down of Justin Trudeau.  The Group of 20, or G20, comprises those nations said to be those with the largest economies in the world. The heads of state who attend[…]

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