Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

BRICS and Camp David: Two Very Different Meetings

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, September 2, 2023 Note:  The following article first appeared in the Global Times on Aug. 28.  ( Within days of each other, two very different meetings of world significance were held.   The meetings sharply frame the choices.  What kind of future these two meetings represent deserves to be analyzed and compared. At[…]

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The Global Monroe Doctrine

by David Swanson, published in World Beyond War,  September 9, 2023 Remarks for second session of Kateri Peace Conference, September 9, 2023 Two hundred years ago this coming December, a local boy from my town gave a speech. In the years that followed pundits and politicians took an excerpt of that speech, carved it in marble, lit it with eternal[…]

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Anti-Imperialist Sentiment Spreads Across West Africa amid Threats against Niger

by Abayomi Azakizwe, published on Ghana News, August 6, 2023 Nigerian Senate rebukes president’s effort to invade a neighboring state at the aegis of Paris and Washington Things are shifting after a few weeks, the new government in Niger must find a way to move forward while avoiding international threats generated by the  Western Imperium.  The U.S. has the largest[…]

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Niger: A Coup against French Control and Dominance

by Chandra Muzzafar, published on International Action Center, August 10, 2023 Not mentioned here is the fact that the US/AFRICOM largest drone base is located in Niger, a convenient location for managing drones over most The situation in Niger is still in flux. On 26 July 2023 a military coup took place in that West African state that led to[…]

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U.S. Citizens Join Runway Occupation at NATO Nuclear Air Base Volkel, Netherland

According to Wikipedia:  “It is believed that since the early 1960s, USAF nuclear weapons have been stored at Volkel Air Base, to be used by the host nation’s aircraft.” “The USAF 703rd Munitions Support Squadron (703rd MUNSS) is in charge of maintaining and securing the weapons.  As of 2008, 22 B61 nuclear bombs are believed to be in storage at[…]

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Aggressive U.S. Push for Military Supremacy in the Arctic Could Trigger Nuclear War

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on CovertAction Magazine, July 14, 2023 From 1959 to 1966, the U.S. illegally stored nuclear weapons in Greenland in preparation for a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union and built an underground scientific research center right out of a James Bond movie. It resulted in the displacement of natives and has left a residue of environmental[…]

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US War Planners Court China’s Neighbors. What Would Buddha Say?

by Wei Yu and Marcy Winograd, April 4, 2023 The US continues to seek new asing agreements with small countries in the Far East, to pursue their reckless illegal attempts to “contain” China.  [jb] As the Pentagon steps up its war games in the Asia Pacific, Defense News reports the US Army has a logistical problem with waging a future[…]

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The Worst Deal Ever – Australia To Pay U.S. For Nuclear Insecurity

by Bernhard, published on Moon of Alabama, March 15, 2023 Interesting analysis from Bernhard regarding the AUKUS Submarines deal.  It would appear that Europe isn’t the only place where the U.S. is actively undermining allies for short term gain. [jb] In the last week’s review I mentioned the AUKUS deal. It was first announced in September 2021. Back then I[…]

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Supporting New U.S. bases in the Philippines Isn’t an Option

by Bernadette Ellorin and Azadeh Shahshahani, published in The Progressive, March 20, 2023 The Philippines remains the largest recipient of U.S. military aid in the Indo-Pacific region, having received more than $1.14 billion in funding from 2015 to 2022. These bases were used in every major U.S. war in the twentieth century, as well as serving as “rest and recreation” sites[…]

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