Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

No To US War Threats Against China

UNAC –United National Antiwar Coalition– Statement The Biden administration is intensifying its aggression against China. The Pentagon’s new Pacific Deterrence Initiative includes increasing the U.S. military’s encirclement of China and deploying nuclear missiles that had previously been banned by the U.S.-signed Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Recently, President Biden met with leaders of Japan, India and Australia – what has become known[…]

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People of the World Say No to U.S. Imperialism

by Janine Solanki, published in FireThisTime Newsletter, Volume 14, June-August 2020 “I can’t breathe” were the dying words of George Floyd, repeated more than 20 times while a white police officer pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes. During this whole time, Floyd, a 46-year old black man, was already handcuffed and pinned facedown on the ground[…]

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Pandemic in the Pacific: US Military Bases Are Hot Spots for More Than Just Covid-19

by Tiara Na’puti, published on Common Dreams, September 12, 2020 Guam has always been the U.S. military’s best kept secret. Military secrecy isn’t really new, but in the midst of the global pandemic the Pentagon ordered bases to stop publicly announcing their coronavirus cases. By July more than 29,000 service members had contracted the coronavirus, and this summer military and[…]

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Is the THAAD Missile Crisis in South Korea Escalating?

by KJ Noh, published on Popular Resistance, May 30, 2020 Why are thousands of South Korean Riot Police Bashing Anti-THAAD Protestors? According to South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency, on May 28th, 2020, “The Ministry of National Defense and the USFK (United States Forces in Korea) engaged in a transportation operation in the middle of the night to bring equipment to[…]

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Targeting Iraq, Iran/ U.S. Threatens Wider War

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, January 7, 2019 Jan 7–Enormous demonstrations in Iran, Iraq and region-wide are expressing anti-imperialist rage, and signaling a new day, a rebirth of mass movements that will drive the U.S. out of the region. A criminal U.S. act has kindled this firestorm. On Jan. 2, U.S. imperialism pushed its aggressive war against Iran[…]

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Keep Amendment on Foreign Bases in NDAA

From World Beyond War, The U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment to the “National Defense Authorization Act” introduced by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar requiring that the U.S. military provide Congress with the cost and the supposed national security benefits of every foreign military base or foreign military operation. World BEYOND War had flooded Congressional offices with the demand for Yes[…]

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U.S. Military Bases Poisoning Germans With Impunity

The town is not allowed to sue the U.S. Military. Since I wrote The U.S. Military is Poisoning Germany last week, the small municipality of Wittlich-Land, near the US/NATO Airbase Spangdahlem, filed suit against the Federal Republic of Germany for the costs of removing and disposing sewage sludge contaminated with Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The lethal material cannot be[…]

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2019 Defense Budget Supports 883 Overseas Bases And Is Lethal To Humanity

Above photo: by Lynn Petrovich, Originally published on Popular Resistance, September 22, 2018 My grandfathers were both veterans of World War One. Vincent Coen, my maternal grandfather, was a sailor aboard The SS Leviathan, which transported over 119,000 US troops across the Atlantic to France. William J. Reddan, my paternal grandfather, was Captain of Company B, 114th infantry, and was[…]

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