Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Three U.S. wars threaten World War Three: $95 billion targets Palestine, Iran, Russia and China

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, May 3, 2024 Anyone who thinks that the U.S. policy of continued arming and fully supporting the Israeli genocide is an accident or a mistake need only look at the $95 billion “supplemental aid” bill just passed by Congress and signed by President Joe Biden on April 24. The same group of war[…]

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Solidarity with Palestine sparks a global upsurge

by Sara Flounders ,published on Workers World, February 3, 2024 Flounders is a contributing editor of Workers World newspaper and co-director of the International Action Center. She presented these remarks at the International Assembly against Imperialism and in solidarity with Palestine on Jan. 21, in New York city. Flounders began her talk, on which this article is based, with the[…]

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Israel: the Genocidal Thrust of Imperialism Today

by Manuel Raposo, published on Workers World, January 22, 2024 What we have seen since October in Gaza and the West Bank is the execution of the long-standing plan nurtured by Zionist ideology to liquidate or expel the entire Arab population and take over all of Palestine as Israel’s territory. These aims have been exposed to the light of day[…]

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Civil Resistance and Mass Protests to Free Palestine

Just a few photos of a few protests.  There are so many, but this is what I have time for today. On January 8, in New York City, more than 300 protesters were arrested following civil resistance actions that shut down traffic entering and leaving New York during the morning rush hour. Police arrest hundreds after Pro-Palestinian protesters shut down[…]

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Israel’s War on Palestine and the Global Upsurge Against It

by Vijay Prashad, published on People’s Dispatch, January 13, 2024 Hundreds of millions of people across the world have been deeply moved by the atrocity of the Israeli war on Palestine. Millions have attended marches and protests, many of them participating in such demonstrations for the first time in their lives. Social media, in almost all the world’s languages, is[…]

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The Marriage Between Zionism and Imperialism

by Mark Vandepitte, published on Workers World, January 11, 2023 The genocide the Israeli army is perpetrating today in Gaza is not a slip-up but the logical offshoot of an imperialist and colonial project established at the end of the 19th century: Zionism. To properly understand what is happening today, it is necessary to understand the origins and stakes of[…]

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Steps You Can Take to Stop the Ongoing Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

by Abdul Jabbar, published in Countercurrents, December 27, 2023 It is the duty of everyone in the world and especially those who live in the United States to take action to stop the ongoing genocide of the besieged and helpless Palestinians in Gaza. This brutal slaughter of Palestinians started on October 7, 2023, when Israel retaliated against the horrific Hamas[…]

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A Peoples’ Victory — Alex Saab is Free and Home in Venezuela!

bu Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, December 21, 2023 Alex Saab is free and home in Venezuela. For three and a half years (1,280 days), Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat, had been held in torturous conditions by the U.S. government. (The author traveled to Cabo Verde in June 2021 in a delegation with Roger Harris and Bishop Felipe Teixeira in[…]

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A Stunning Rebuke, U.N. Cease-fire Vote Humiliates U.S. Imperialism

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, December 12, 2023 The United Nations Security Council vote on December 8, calling for an immediate cease-fire in Palestine, was a public humiliation of the United States. When explaining their vote, numerous countries denounced the U.S. — Israel’s number one supporter — as the accomplice, the enabler and the real force behind the[…]

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