Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Ajamu Baraka Receives 2019 US Peace Prize

We are pleased to announce that the 2019 US Peace Prize has been awarded to the Honorable Ajamu Baraka, “whose bold antiwar actions, writings, speeches, and leadership provide an inspiring voice against militarism.” Michael Knox, Chair of the Foundation, presented the award during a forum on September 23 in New York City.  In his remarks Knox said, “Thank you, Ajamu, for your outstanding domestic and international activism to end wars and militarism.  We applaud your long and distinguished record[…]

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NicaNotes: A Gringo in the Plaza: 40 Years of Sandinista Struggle

David Archuleta Jr., National Co-Coordinator AFGJ (Alliance For Global Justice), July 14, 2019 Not even the mosquito-rich Managuan heat could stop the onrush of Nicaraguans from every department in the country to the Plaza de la Fe. They came adorned with FSLN hats, #danielsequeda t-shirts, red and black on every possible accessory. Thousands came by bus, cramming every seat and[…]

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“Imperialism Does Not Understand the Resistance of the Venezuelan People”

By Carlos Aznarez, Published on Resumen Latinoamericano, April 15, 2019 We spoke with Pascualina Curcio a few days ago in Mexico, where she was a part of the Venezuelan delegation to the International Seminar of the PT of that country. Each time that the imperial economic attack intensifies against Venezuela, many glances are directed, by way of consultation, towards the[…]

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The Black Stake in the Green New Deal

Photo: Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez at Women’s March 2019 in NYC  ~Dimitri Rodriguez by Glen Ford, Published on Black Agenda Report, March 7, 2019 Black people should see the Green New Deal as an arena of struggle for self-determination, communal repair, and justice-creation. “In its broad outlines, the Green New Deal is a transformative program that calls for democratic reconstruction of U.S.[…]

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Dakota Men, Women and Youth Ride to Honor Executed Warriors and For Healing

Photo: Some participants in the Dakota 38 + 2 Wokiksuye Sunk Akan Yankapi — the Dakota Prayer Ride and Water Walk — ride into Mankato, Minn., near the end of their 17-day journey from South Dakota. ~Mankato Free Press By Stephanie Tromblay posted on Workers World, January 15, 2019 Dakota men, women and youth rode into Mankato, Minn., on horseback[…]

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The Silence as Manipulation

by Rosa Miriam Elizalde, from Resumen Latinoamericano,  October 2, 2018 Readers and spectators, political parties, movements of various kinds, secret services, hackers, journalists and central animators of the Internet (Twitter, Facebook, youtube, Google, Instagram, etc.) make up a vast market of manipulation. This is not coming from “communist propaganda”, but scientists from prestigious universities and independent centers in Europe and the[…]

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The Case Against Daniel Ortega

Image: Telesur Live broadcast, July 19. 2540 views at the time this article was 1st published. by Chuck Kaufman, originally posted on The Alliance for Global Justice website, July 25, 2018 The Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice and I have recently been called Orteguistas (Ortega supporters). We used to be called Danielistas before it became necessary to the narrative to[…]

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Multipolar World Against War!

A call to action from one of our European Allies. by Heinrich Buecker of Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin. April 6, 2018 A Call for International Solidarity with Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, Iran, Bolivia, Palestine and all nations that stand for Peace and Diplomacy. The West‘s aggressive propaganda campaign against Russia (and its other perceived enemies) has reached dangerously hysterical proportions.[…]

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