Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Taking the World to the Brink

A man stands on rubble of damaged buildings in the besieged town of Douma, Eastern Ghouta, in Damascus, Syria March 30, 2018. Reuters/Bassam Khabieh By Rick Sterling, originally published on Consortium News Western neoconservatives and hawks are driving the international situation to increasing tension and danger. Not content with the destruction of Iraq and Libya based on false claims, they[…]

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Any Attack on Syria is International Gangsterism

by  Ajamu Baraka,  National Organizer for Black Alliance for Peace APRIL 10, 2018—The pending military intervention into Syria by the United States represents yet another case of unilateral illegality that continues the systematic assault on international law and morality that has characterized U.S. foreign policies since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, when the United States[…]

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The (Largely Unrecognized) US Occupation of Syria

The United States has invaded Syria with a significant military force, is occupying nearly one-third of its territory, has announced plans for an indefinite occupation, and is plundering the country’s petroleum resources. Washington has no authorization under international or even US law to invade and occupy Syria, much less attack Syrian forces, which it has done repeatedly. Nor has it[…]

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The Liberation of East Ghouta

Statement by the Syria Solidarity Movement The complete liberation of Eastern Ghouta is imminent. Just as during the liberation of Aleppo, western governments and mainstream media inflated the numbers of trapped civilians and accused Syrian government forces of deliberately targeting them, failing to provide them with humanitarian aid, preventing their evacuation, and indiscriminately bombing them in Eastern Ghouta.  And, just[…]

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Don’t Believe the Media Hype about Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

by Medea Benjamin, originally published on Voices for Creative Nonviolence, March 21, 2018 Saudi Arabia’s 32-year-old Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, heir to the Saudi throne after eliminating his rivals, is on a two-week whirlwind visit to the United States starting March 19. He plans to cement his ties to the Trump administration, shore up support for his war in[…]

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Hell On Earth

by Vijay Prashad, originally published on Frontline, India for 3/30 print publication. The tragic unravelling of Syria continues as the war there enters its eighth year. The country is impoverished, its economy is in disarray and its public finances are eviscerated. When the war ends, the reconstruction of infrastructure and society will be difficult. By VIJAY PRASHAD DISAGREEMENT reaches back[…]

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The ‘Human Rights’ War on Syria

Claire Mallinson, national director of Amnesty International Australia. Image courtesy of News Limited by Jeremy Salt, originally published in the American Tribune The perfidious role of ‘human rights’ organizations in the war on Syria has been exposed again with the Amnesty International report on Syria for 2017/18, followed by an equally tendentious article in the Melbourne ‘Age’ newspaper by Claire[…]

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