Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Maduro: COVAX ‘Owes a Debt’ to Venezuela

by Ricardo Vaz, published on Venezuelanalysis, June 9, 2021 Mexico City, Mexico, June 9, 2021 ( – Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro lashed out at efforts to deny the country access to vaccines. In a televised address on Sunday, the Venezuelan president accused the opposition and “organizations of US imperialism” of engaging in a lobbying campaign to stop vaccine producers from[…]

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A People’s Vaccine Against a Mutating Virus and Neoliberal Rule.

by Nicolas J. S. Davies, June 7, 2021 A recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll found that worries about the COVID pandemic in the United States are at their lowest level since it began. Only half of Americans are either “very worried” (15%) or “somewhat worried” (35%) about the virus, while the other half are “not very worried” (30%) or “not worried[…]

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Cuba: The Murderous Blockade

La Jornada Editorial, published on Resumen English, May 29, 2021 In the midst of an increase in the number of COVID-19 infections, the illegal blockade imposed against Cuba by Washington and maintained over the past more than 60 years has become the best ally of the coronavirus in Cuba. As Yuri Valdes, Associate Director of the Finlay Vaccine Institute revealed,[…]

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Vaccine Passports in a Failed State

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 15, 2021 The non-vaccinated can be smeared and equated with MAGA hat wearing Trumpers, regardless of their religious or political affiliations. “The U.S. medical community should ask Cuba, China, Vietnam and other countries with low rates of infection for help in addressing the ongoing health emergency.” The COVID-19 pandemic fully exposed how[…]

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Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Health Emergency: Interview with Dr. Ricardo Alvarez

from a Guest Essay on Workers World, March 15, 2021 Mumia Abu-Jamal, the internationally renowned journalist, Pennsylvania prison inmate and former Black Panther widely considered to be a political prisoner, is now experiencing a health emergency. A Feb. 27 call from Mumia alerted supporters who immediately began a campaign to telephone Pennsylvania Secretary of Corrections John Wetzl, Philadelphia District Attorney[…]

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Global Solidarity Is Needed During The Pandemic To End Medical Apartheid

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, February 21, 2021 Some of the truths the COVID-19 pandemic is exposing about the United States are its racial disparities in health and access to health care. Black and Indigenous people are more likely to be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 than white people. They are two to three times more[…]

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COVID Vaccines are Big Business and a Political Weapon

By Manuel Raposo, published on Workers World, February 18, 2021 It has often been said that so-called “natural” disasters, including unforeseeable catastrophes, lay bare the weaknesses of the societies they strike. The health, social and economic crisis the coronavirus triggered is an example of this. An aggravating factor is that it has long been predicted that the spread of a[…]

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Calls for a Mass Mobilization Against the Vaccine Market and Speculation in Place

Statement from Labor Today Nothing like a pandemic shows whether an economic and political system is working or is completely wrong. Nothing like a pandemic shows which interests are at the heart of that system, whether those of a few powerful people or those of the entire population. After a year, millions of deaths around the world and measures put[…]

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