Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Where is the Outrage?

by Maria Paez Victor, published on Counterpunch, September 22, 2023 “How about we’re buying oil from Venezuela? When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse. We would’ve taken it over; we would have gotten all that oil; it would’ve been right next door. But now we’re buying oil from Venezuela, we’re making a dictator very rich. Can you believe this?[…]

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Is Intellectual Property Turning into a Knowledge Monopoly?

by Prabir Purkayastha, produced by Globetrotter, September 6, 2023 When the settlers came to the United States, they usurped the common property of the native tribes and parceled it out for money.  The same is being done to our common store of knowledge. When greed drives science, it cannot be science.  [jb] The twentieth century saw the emergence of public[…]

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The Left’s Reaction To The BRICS

by Manuel Raposo, published on Workers World, September 8, 2023           (translation: John Catalinotto) Unable to stop the expansion of the BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa; Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are scheduled to become members on Jan. 1, 2024] and the growing prestige that the organization has gained in the dependent[…]

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The Neocons’ Frankenstein Syndrome in Niger

by Julia Wright, published on Workers World, September 14, 2023 Mary Shelley, who wrote “Frankenstein,” published in 1819, was an English abolitionist born to radical feminist Mary Wollstonecraft and anarchist political philosopher William Godwin. Not only did she advocate the end of slavery, but in her father’s drawing room she overheard discussions about the beginning and the ending of biological[…]

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The Criminal War on SYRIA Continues

A couple of things that may have been left unsaid: HIghly publicized protests in Southern Syria are small and instigated by imams affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and other U.S. backed Islamist Organizations.  Currently, a bill passed in the U.S. Congress, likely to be confirmed in the Senate this year,  to extend the so-called Caesar Civilian Protection Sanctions, which are[…]

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The Unconditional Right of Poor and Oppressed Nations to Self-Determination: Looking at the US War Against Syria

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, August 28, 2023 Jeff gives a great overview of the drives and costs of war in Syria.  Meanwhile, the U.S. occupies 1/3 of Syria’s territory including the largest oil wells and the wheat growing region to this day.   Factories in the business district of Aleppo have been robbed of their machinery and destroyed[…]

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How U.S. Sanctions Are a Tool of War: The Case of Venezuela

by Celina della Croce, published on MROnline, August 18, 2023 On March 26, 2022, Francisco lay in a public hospital bed in Bolívar, Venezuela, roughly eight hours inland from the capital of Caracas. He had been waiting for more than twenty-four hours to be seen by a doctor for fluids filling his stomach in a hot room with no fan[…]

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Niger: A Coup against French Control and Dominance

by Chandra Muzzafar, published on International Action Center, August 10, 2023 Not mentioned here is the fact that the US/AFRICOM largest drone base is located in Niger, a convenient location for managing drones over most The situation in Niger is still in flux. On 26 July 2023 a military coup took place in that West African state that led to[…]

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