Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Black People to Attack Revolutionary Governments

Nicaragua’s Troubles: A View From the Caribbean Coast Mike Phipps reviews: To Defend the Sunrise: Black Women’s Activism and the Authoritarian Turn in Nicaragua, by Courtney Desiree Morris, Published by Rutgers University Press by Margaret Kimberley,  published on Black Agenda Report, April 12, 2023 The question of how Black people fare in a particular country can be a legitimate issue[…]

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Why Zelensky Will NOT Take Back Crimea

by Rick Sterling, published on the LA Progressive, April 4, 2023 Seventeen months ago the US State Department officially declared the US will “NEVER” recognize Crimea as part of Russia. Three months ago Ukrainian President Zelensky vowed to “take back” Crimea. Is this possible? In June 2016 I visited Crimea with a delegation from the Center for Citizen Initiatives (CCI).[…]

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Ukraine: U.S. Out Now! Our Antiwar Credo

Statement from Socialist Action, March 24, 2023 Maidan’s rooftop fascist snipers Today’s unfolding Ukraine tragedy began in February 2014 when rooftop fascist snipers opened fire on Maidan protestors originally assembled to resist the Victor Yanukovych government’s austerity measures. The fascists murdered 100 in cold blood, including some of their own for good measure. Yanukovych, the elected president, was instantly blamed[…]

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Allegations of Genocide Return to Peru

by John Bart Gerald, published on NightsLantern, January 17, 2023 The Peruvian Prosecutor’s Office has placed she who claims the country’s presidency, Dina Bolurate under investigation for crimes including genocide, resulting from her government’s treatment of protesters who prefer the elected President Pedro Castillo. Now much of her government is under investigation for genocide (“genocide, qualified homicide and serious injuries”[…]

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Thousands Descend on Lima Demanding Resignation of Unelected Peruvian President

by Brett Williams, published on Common Dreams, January 20, 2023 “We have come to Lima to defend our country, considering we are under a dictatorial government… which has stained our country with blood,” one protester explained. Thousands of Indigenous and other Peruvians descended on the capital Lima on Wednesday to demand the resignation of unelected President Dina Boluarte, show support[…]

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Latin America and Caribbean, Year 2022 in Review – Challenges for a Pink Tide Surging Over a Volatile US Hegemony

by Roger D. Harris, published on NicaNotes, January 12, 2023 2023 marks the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine. This imperial fiat arrogates to the US the unilateral authority to intervene in the affairs of sovereign states in the Western Hemisphere and to exclude any other power from meddling in what is viewed as Washington’s backyard. Two centuries later, the[…]

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‘They Shot Them Down Like Animals’: Massacre at Peru’s Ayacucho

by Zoe Alexandra, produced by  Globetrotter, January 5, 2023 On December 15, 2022, while helicopters flew overhead, members of Peru’s national army shot down civilians with live bullets in the outskirts of the city of Ayacucho. This action was in response to a national strike and mobilization to protest the coup d’état that deposed President Pedro Castillo on December 7. On December 15, hundreds[…]

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Peruvian Trade Union Leader Speaks About Resistance to Overthrow of President Castillo

FightBack Interview with Cristiano Mayta, published on FightBack News, January 4, 2023 Fight Back! interviewed Cristiano Mayta, a trade unionist in Peru on January 3 to learn more about the situation in Perú after the overthrow of democratically-elected President Pedro Castillo by an oligarchy-dominated Congress. There is a national strike called for January 4 amid violent repression. Fight Back!: What[…]

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Protests Spread in Peru Demanding President Pedro Castillo be Reinstated

by Abayome Azikiwe, published on Global Research, December 14, 2022 Unrest continued in the South American state of Peru after the December 7 impeachment of socialist President Pedro Castillo. The ousted leader remained in detention after an entire week of demonstrations and clashes between supporters and opponents of the former teacher and union leader who was just elected in a[…]

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