Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

China’s Report on U.S. Cyber Attacks Only Scratches Surface of Washington’s Impunity

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, May 10, 2023 Originally published inCGTN . China has been the victim of US espionage and cyber attacks, despite claims that it is “stealing” US technology. U.S. political leaders and media analysts often hype “threats” from abroad in order to justify an increasingly aggressive foreign policy. China is now considered a top “threat”[…]

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Foreign Agents Registration Act is a Tool to Repress Dissent

published on FightBack News, April 30, 2023 Outrageous indictments and arrest warrants issued for APSP leadership.  At the antiwar rally in Washington DC on March 18, Omali Yeshitela said “These people must be really stupid if they think that Black People in the US need Russians to tell them that they are oppressed!”  [jb] Minneapolis, MN – On April 18,[…]

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Prioritizing U.S. Imperialism in Evaluating Latin America’s Pink Tide

by Steve Ellner, published in The Monthly Review, March Edition Two conflicting leftist positions on Latin America’s wave of progressive governments known as the Pink Tide have become increasingly well-defined over the last two decades. One position is favorable, while the other highly critical, to the extent that Pink Tide presidents—including Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro, Ecuador’s Rafael Correa, Bolivia’s Evo Morales,[…]

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Renewed Peace Movement Lauded As Protesters Marched in Washington, D.C., on 20th Anniversary of U.S. Invasion of Iraq

by Julie Varughese, published on Towards Freedom, March 21, 2023 WASHINGTON, D.C.—An estimated couple of thousand of people to “several thousand” marched on March 18 in downtown Washington D.C., calling for an end to the U.S. imperialist project that they hold responsible for 20 years of a “War on Terror” on millions of people. The weekend marked the 20th anniversary[…]

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Protesters to CNN: Don’t Be a Pentagon Stenographer!

by Marcy Winograd, published on the LA Progressive, March 20, 2023 CNN locked its front door during Saturday’s, March 18th, anti-war protest in front of the network’s towering Hollywood building, where hundreds of ethnically diverse demonstrators, young, old and in between, called on CNN to stop parroting Pentagon propaganda about an “unprovoked” war in Ukraine and to feature guests who[…]

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The Not-So-Winding Road from Iraq to Ukraine

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 15, 2023 March 19th marks the 20th anniversary of the U.S. and British invasion of Iraq. This seminal event in the short history of the 21st century not only continues to plague Iraqi society to this day, but it also looms large over the current crisis in Ukraine, making it impossible[…]

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Which Way Forward For The Antiwar Movement

by John Catalinotto and Sara Flounders, March 13, 2023 Workers World Managing Editor John Catalinotto held an interview March 13 with Sara Flounders, co-director of the International Action Center (IAC), a member of the Administrative Committee of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) and contributing editor to Workers World, to discuss the developments of the past year of the war[…]

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There Has Never In History Been A Greater Need For A Large Anti-War Movement

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on, February 27, 2023 Things are escalating more and more rapidly between the US-centralized power structure and the few remaining nations with the will and the means to stand against its demands for total obedience, namely China, Russia, and Iran. The world is becoming increasingly split between two groups of governments who are becoming increasingly[…]

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