Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

There Will Be Repercussions: The West is Collectively Responsible for Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

by Ramzy Baroud, published on Countercurrents, November 9, 2023 On October 20, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, stood on the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing, between Egypt and besieged Gaza. Guterres was not the only international figure to travel to the Gaza border, hoping to mobilize the international community in the face of an ongoing genocide, in[…]

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Gaza Resistance Exposes Limits of U.S. Power

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, November 7, 2023 The audacity of the coordinated Palestinian resistance, which began with a surprise operation on Oct. 7, was not only a shock to the Zionist military machine and its vaunted intelligence network, but is also sending shockwaves through the U.S. empire. Both Israel and the U.S. rulers are now relying on[…]

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Israel Declares Most of Humanity Illegitimate and Irrelevant

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, November 1, 2023 After 120 members of the 193 members of the UN General Assembly called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, Israel demonstrated its increasing isolation by declaring the UN illegitimate and irrelevant. Both the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly continue to grapple with the Israel/Hamas War, also[…]

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Palestine: History Will not Forgive the Indifferent, and We Will not be Among Them

by Miguel Diaz-Canel, President of Cuba, published on Resumen English, October 28, 2023 Sixty-three years ago, in a historic speech before the United Nations General Assembly, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, said and I quote: “Wars, since the beginning of humanity, have arisen, fundamentally, for one reason: the desire of some to dispossess others of[…]

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US Stands Isolated in Backing Gaza Massacre

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, October 31, 2023 On Friday, October 27, the nations of the world voted in the UN General Assembly, by a vote of 120 to 14, for an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities” in Gaza. The resolution was sponsored by the government of sometime U.S. ally[…]

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Biden is the Greater and Less Effective Evil

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, November 1, 2023 “Let me say from the very beginning that we at Black Agenda Report do not think that Barack Obama is the Lesser Evil. He is the more Effective Evil. He has been more effective in Evil-Doing than Bush in terms of protecting the citadels of corporate power, and advancing the[…]

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Report on the International Peace Conference in Rome, Oct 27 – 28

by Joe Lombardo, UNAC Coordinator, November 3, 2023 This is a brief report on the international peace conference that took place in Rome on Oct. 27 – 28.  There were 6 of us at the conference from the US.  The conference was attended by about 200 people.  People came from 25 countries representing 40 different organizations.  Delegates from Iran, Afghanistan[…]

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The Palestinian Youth Movement in a Time of War

by Susie Day, published on Socialist Action, October 30, 2023 – An Interview with Kaleem Hawla Kaleem Hawa [photo above] is a young Palestinian writer who has contributed eloquent pieces on art and film to such publications as The New York Review of Books and Art forum. But he has no time for this now. He and his comrades in the Palestinian Youth Movement[…]

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November 3: Today’s news on Palestine & Israel

by If Americans Knew, published on Israel Palestine News, October 3, 2023 Latest casualty figures, humanitarian update, incidents in Gaza and West Bank, Israel: “Nothing will stop us,” US government’s broad support. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. For more news, go here and here. Live broadcast news from the region is here.* Latest statistics: Palestinian death toll 8,896* (8,756 in Gaza** (including at[…]

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Palestinian Joint Statement: ‘Escalate all Forms of Resistance’

Published on Workers World, October 30, 2023 The following slightly edited statement was issued Oct. 28, 2023 by Palestinian forces: Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement), Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command. The five Palestinian powers held a leadership meeting[…]

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