Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen: Are Negotiations Being Considered?

Originally published in New Eastern Outlook From the moment that the Saudi-led onslaught against Yemen began, the USA has been solidly behind Riyadh. Yemen now faces a humanitarian crisis, yet the forces committed to sovereignty and economic development remain strong, nowhere near surrender. Signs now indicate that as the war continues, some circles within the US power structure may be[…]

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Commonality of Oppression, Solidarity in Struggle, Liberation for a Better World: Freedom

Khury Petersen-Smith explores the commonalities of the struggle of Black Americans with that of the Palestinian people. This is a wonderful talk on an important subject.   I recorded the event on my iPhone which, unfortunately, was low on minutes.   Not wishing to have the entire 2 hours in a single recording, (and being low on minutes) I rather awkwardly broke[…]

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Close All US Military Bases On Foreign Soil

Originally published on Popular Resistance, July 29, 2017. The Coalition Against Foreign Military Bases is a new campaign focused on closing all US military bases abroad. This campaign strikes at the foundation of US empire, confronting its militarism, corporatism and imperialism. We urge you to endorse this campaign. On the occasion of its announcement, the coalition issued a unity statement, which[…]

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Those Magical, Fantastical Russians Vs. U.S. Empire

Reprinted from Black Agenda Report. “This induced ‘state of emergency’ is designed to prepare the American public, politically and psychologically, to maintain the momentum of the U.S. imperial offensive in the world.” The only people that can make Russiagate fade away are the ones that invented it in the first place: the spooks, Wall Street Democrats and institutional servants of[…]

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In CIA We Trust

Reprinted from Black Agenda Report “The imperial populace is immensely forgiving of crimes against weaker peoples.” More than a year after the Democrats began blaming Hillary Clinton’s campaign problems on Russia, the allegations of massive Kremlin interference in U.S. elections are still based on the “high confidence” – but evidence-free – CIA assertion that Vladimir Putin ordered the hacking of[…]

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Students win latest battle against white supremacy at Columbia

Reprinted from Workers’ World website. New York —After a storm of criticism, Columbia University administrators have stopped their investigation of students who shut down the October appearance of a white supremacist there. Columbia has centuries of ties to white supremacy. Executive Vice President for University Life Suzanne Goldberg reportedly emailed students on Oct. 30, saying charges were being dropped against[…]

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UNAC in Sochi and Moscow

UNAC speaks at the World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi, Russia and at university meetings in Moscow UNAC members were asked to speak at the World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi, Russia and in Moscow by peace activists from the region. The Sochi festival was attended by 30,000 young people from more than 150 different countries.[…]

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