Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Assange Hearing—Day 8

This is a rather long, but very descriptive account of one day in the ongoing extradition trial of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange.   It  is important to keep some awareness of this critically important test of our first amendment rights and international law (the Extradition Treaty between the US and the UK does not allow extradition for political reasons) as well[…]

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Science and Stake Behind the COVID Vaccine Development

by Lee Siu Hin, published on, September 8, 2020 The global race to develop COVID-19 vaccine, there are the good, the bad and the ugly. On August 11th, 2020 Russia announced they had registered the world first COVID-19 vaccine, call “Sputink V”, while not yet enter the critical Phase III trail (any drugs need to pass 3-stages Phase I,[…]

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While the Stock Market is Booming, Jobs Report Hides Hunger

By G. Dunkel posted on Workers World, September 11, 2020 Getting enough food was hard for people working low-wage jobs before the pandemic. Now it’s harder, given the huge increase in unemployment — 29 million jobless workers now live off meager unemployment insurance. Millions without work are getting nothing, and more than 50 million people are “food insecure,” meaning they[…]

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Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and the Power of the US Dollar in the World Economy, P1

by Stansfield Smith, published on the Orinoco Tribune, September 14. 2020 A primer on US Hegemony and the global economy.  Part 2 is HERE Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) has become popularized by some of the liberal-left because it offers an explanation how to achieve full employment, national health insurance, free college education, and the Green New Deal without raising taxes. Political[…]

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Why the US Can Keep Increasing its Debt and not Suffer Inflation, P2

by Stansfield Smith, published on the Orinoco Tribune, September 15, 2020 A primer on US Hegemony and the global economy.  Part 1 is HERE The US Still Dominates the World Economy The US ruling class has dominated the planet since the end of World War II. Key elements of this control include its military superiority in nuclear and conventional weapons,[…]

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Kevin Zeese: His Last Words For The Movement And Carrying On

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, September 13, 2020 As I wrote last week, Kevin Zeese died unexpectedly in his sleep, likely from a heart attack, early in the morning on September 6. He had not shown signs of illness and was working until the end. Many of you know Kevin from Popular Resistance, from his writing and podcast[…]

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In the Worst of Times, the Billionaire Elite Plunder Working Class America

by Nick Baker, published on Socialist Action, September 5, 2020 In the midst of a global pandemic, unprecedented economic collapse, mass unemployment, hunger and desperation, the stock market is booming and the richest of the rich are richer than ever before. Since March, more than 58 million people in the U.S. have filed for unemployment. The Internal Revenue Service now[…]

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Franco-American Designs on Lebanon, A Post-Catastrophe Update

by As’ad AbuKhalil, published on Consortium News, September 13, 2020 Lebanon moves from one catastrophe to another; as if the blast at Beirut airport last month wasn’t enough. There was another fire there this week at Beirut port, an area that was subjected in August to government emergency laws. Those emergency laws put the Army command in charge of the[…]

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France: Yellow Vests Resume Protests

FYI: from Telesur English, September 12, 2020 The ‘Yellow Vests’ Saturday took to the streets after a summer break to continue protesting against Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform plans. Almost two years after their first mobilizations, the Yellow Vests marched through Paris, Marseille, Toulouse, Lyon, Lille, Nantes, Nice, Bordeaux, and Strasbourg. Yellow Vests in France are back! — Karli[…]

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September 19: a Nationwide Day of Protest, and Dialog on Community Control of Police

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, September 10, 2020 Community control puts us on the path to both defunding and abolishing the police – so why are many  Black Lives Matter chapters withholding support? The Black masses want justice, security and democracy (also known as “self-determination”) to be part of the equation.” Despite the unprecedented wave of “Justice[…]

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