Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Why Canadians Should Support the Cross-Canada Campaign to Free Meng Wanzhou

by Ken Stone, published on Global Research, October 10, 2020 On September 28, 2020, Meng Wanzhou, Chief Financial Officer of Huawei Technologies and permanent resident of Canada, was forced to make yet another appearance in court in Vancouver where she faces possible extradition to the USA. The charges she faces if extradited to the USA, according to the “superseding indictment”[…]

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AFRICOM: Deadly Deception

Statement from Friends of the Congo, October 1, 2020 On October 1, 2007, the United States under the presidency of George W. Bush and the military leadership of the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, launched the Africa Command (AFRICOM). The command was based in Stuttgart, Germany. In the same vein as the 1884/85 Berlin Conference, AFRICOM was a wholly external[…]

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Unfounded U.N. Report on Venezuela Being Used as an Instrument of Regime Change

Statement by US Peace Council, September 28, 2020 The United Nations Human Rights Council issued a report* by the Independent Mission to Determine the Facts in Venezuela (Independent Mission), which accuses Venezuela of “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment committed since 2014.” The veracity, timing, and political intent of this report is best understood in the context of a campaign led[…]

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Liberal Sympathy for Trump

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, October 7, 2020 If Ava Duvernay really believes Trump is a white supremacist, why wish him well? “Maddow and Duvernay speak and act in defense of their class interests.” Everyone reveals their true self in a time of turmoil. A crisis forces exposure which can no longer be kept hidden. The revelation that Donald[…]

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Following US Pressure, Aid to Yemen Falls to Just 25 Cents Per Day

by Alan MacLeod, Published on MintPress News, October 7, 2020 Home to what the United Nations has described as “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis,” Yemen is on the brink of total disaster after five years of protracted war. Yet crucial international aid to the country has been cut this year to just 25 cents per person, per day, around half of what[…]

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Why America’s Economic War on China is Failing

by VJ Prashad and John Ross, produced by Globetrotter, published on MR Online, October 7, 2020 U.S. President Donald Trump—supported by most of the U.S. establishment—deepened the U.S. government’s assault on the Chinese economy. The “trade war” seemed to play well with Trump’s political base, who somehow hoped that an economic attack on China would miraculously create economic prosperity for[…]

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Why We Focus on Africa

Black Alliance for Peace, published on Black Agenda Report, September 30, 2020 Africa can’t demonstrate independence and power because the entire continent has a giant U.S. military boot on its neck. “The presence of U.S. forces exacerbates violence and instability throughout the continent.” With reports each week of yet another Black victim of police violence, there is for many an[…]

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