Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Rochester Labor Council resolution: General strike if Trump won’t go

Workers World Editor, October 20, 2020 On Oct. 8, the Rochester [N.Y.] Labor Council passed a resolution supporting a general strike if Trump refuses to leave office after a November election defeat. Council President Dan Maloney is also president of United Auto Workers Local 1097, which, after a six-week strike, overwhelmingly rejected the 2019 concessionary contract with General Motors. The[…]

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New York Workers Assembly Against Racism

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, October 23, 2020 A powerful and forward-planning Workers Assembly Against Racism was held at Union Square in New York City on Oct. 18. Participants projected the possibilities of workers’ power through general strikes, shutdowns and mass actions to dramatically push back ongoing attacks — including police and racist violence, evictions, lack of stimulus[…]

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People of the World Say No to U.S. Imperialism

by Janine Solanki, published in FireThisTime Newsletter, Volume 14, June-August 2020 “I can’t breathe” were the dying words of George Floyd, repeated more than 20 times while a white police officer pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes. During this whole time, Floyd, a 46-year old black man, was already handcuffed and pinned facedown on the ground[…]

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Like Old Time Pirates: US Seizes Venezuelan Oil and Sells It

from TeleSUR English, October 29, 2020 Venezuela faces gasoline supply problems due to arbitrary sanctions whereby the U.S. seeks to destabilize the Bolivarian revolution. The U.S. Justice Department announced on Thursday that President Donald Trump’s administration sold over 1.1 million barrels of refined petroleum that were onboard the Luna vessel, which was seized by the United States from Iran on[…]

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Black Alliance for Peace: Our Demands of Candidates and Elected Officials

by Black Alliance for Peace, posted on MLToday, October 23, 2020 The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) has determined climate change and the interlocking issues of war, militarism, and the now-normalized and still illegal U.S. interventionism pose the greatest threats to humanity. That is why we have launched a campaign demanding all 2020 candidates for local, state and federal offices in the United States[…]

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Campaign Confusion in the Age of Collapse

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, October 28, 2020 Biden always obliges Trump by denying that he will do anything that rank and file Democrats want and that would in fact increase his odds of winning. “Trump is at his worst and the Democrats are, too.” The 2020 presidential election has created multiple episodes of mass psychosis across the[…]

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If Trump won’t quit — SHUT! IT! DOWN!

by Larry Holmes, published on Workers World, October 20, 2020 The Rochester Labor Council passed a very forward-thinking resolution on Oct. 8, calling on the AFL-CIO to call a general strike if President Donald Trump refuses to leave office. Soon after, the Central Wisconsin Area Labor Federation passed a similar resolution. The Southern Workers Assembly called for “No business as[…]

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Trump Threatens Election Day Coup: Into the Streets! Shut It Down!

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, October 24, 2020 President Donald Trump responded on Sept. 23 to a reporter’s question “Win, lose, or draw in this election, will you commit here today for a peaceful transfer of power after the election?” Trump said, “We’re going to have to see what happens…We want to get rid of the [mail-in] ballots,[…]

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The Bolivian People Said Yes to Democracy and No to U.S. Imperialism

The Alliance for Global Justice Congratulates the Bolivian People October 18, 2020, marked the end of the US-backed coup against Evo Morales and the theft of democracy in Bolivia. Today, the victory of Luis Arce, the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS in Spanish) presidential candidate, marks the strong determination of the Bolivian people to return to democracy. From the Alliance for[…]

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