Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Demands NATO Support Peace Process in Afghanistan and Withdraw Its Force

Statement by Black Alliance for Peace, March 11, 2021 MARCH 11, 2021—The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Solidarity Network, made up of allied organizations and individuals, demands the North Atlantic Treaty Organization end its imperialist endeavor in Afghanistan and calls on the United States to abide by the 2020 U.S.-Taliban agreement by exiting Afghanistan by May 1. The BAP Solidarity[…]

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On 10th Anniversary of the U.S.-NATO Attack on Libya: Powerful Perpetrators Have Yet To Face Justice

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on Covert Action Magazine, March 19, 2021 On this day ten years ago, the Obama administration launched air strikes over Libya under the banner of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which culminated in the killing of Libya’s long-time ruler Muammar Qaddafi on October 21, 2011. The bombing was presented to the public as a moral[…]

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National Weekend Of Action: US Out Of Haiti

By Popular Resistance, March 9, 2021 March 29 is the anniversary of the 1987 Haitian Constitution written after the 1986 overthrow of the brutal Jean-Claude Duvalier dictatorship. The 1987 Constitution was designed to create “a socially just, economically free, and politically independent Haitian nation.” Those ideals are again in crisis. The US-backed de facto president of Haiti Jovenel Moïse is[…]

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BAP-Chicago Statement in Solidarity with Haiti

Statement by Black Alliance for Peace, published on, March 18, 2021 “We stand with the Haitian people because it is our responsibility as believers in self-determination and people-centered human rights, to do so.” “We will never retreat, even when they attempt to confuse us with intersectional imperialism and identity reductionism.” The following remarks were delivered at a Black Alliance for[…]

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Imperialism and Poverty

by Justin Podur, published on CounterPunch, March 16, 2011 I published the first half of this article here, because it so clearly explains the devastating effect of ‘modernization’ on colonized populations throughout the last couple of centuries.  It is important to remember this when we look at the current wars intended to force developing nations to develop in the righteous[…]

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Biden bombs Iraq and Syria, continues 30-year war to control world’s oil

by Bill Dores, published on Struggle for Socialism, March 17, 2021 It was called the highway of death. On Feb. 26, 1991, U.S. military jets and helicopters rained napalm, cluster bombs and 30mm shells on convoys of Iraqi soldiers and civilian refugees leaving Kuwait. At least a thousand people were burned alive or shot to death while fleeing. U.S. pilots[…]

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Greenwashing Acts of Land-Grabbing

by Phoebe Holmes, published on Consortium News, March 15, 2021 Mozambique has been labeled by pro-capitalist actors as one of the most “promising” African countries for an economically successful biofuels sector. The country’s apparent underutilization of its agricultural landscape, and combined abundance of low-cost labor, aligns perfectly with the biofuels investment profile devised by international institutions such as the World Bank.[…]

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Ten Years Ago U.S.-NATO Forces Demolished Libya

by Manlio Dinucci, published on Workers World, March 19, 2021 Ten years ago, on March 19, 2011, U.S.-NATO forces began the air and sea bombardment of Libya. The war was directed by the United States, first through its Africa Command, then through NATO under U.S. command. In seven months, the U.S.-NATO air force carried out 30,000 sorties, 10,000 of which[…]

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Peace Delegation Visits Nicaragua To Explore Impact Of US Sanctions

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, March 15, 2021 For the next two weeks, I am in Nicaragua on the first delegation organized by the Sanctions Kill coalition and the Friends of the ATC (Asociacion de Trabajadores del Campo – Association of Rural Workers) to study the impact of sanctions imposed by the United States on Nicaragua and learn[…]

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