Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Five Things We’ve Learned Since October 7

by Noura Erakat, Published on Mondoweiss, October 8, 2024 Editor’s Note: This is the transcript of a speech delivered by Noura Erakat on August 30, 2024 in Chicago as part of a panel titled, “All Eyes on Palestine,” at the Socialism conference in Chicago. It is being repurposed here as part of the Mondoweiss Reflections on a Genocide series. It[…]

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At Last: US Navy Was at Scene of Nord Stream Blasts (Danish Media)

from Al Mayadeen, published on Global Research, October 9, 2024 According to Politiken, US warships were operating in the region with their transponders turned off. Prior to the explosions that destroyed the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea, US Navy ships were present at the location, according to a local harbormaster quoted in the Danish newspaper[…]

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The Resistance Axis Evaluates The Field: Beginning a Second Year of War with Greater Confidence

by Syed Akif Zaidi in Palestine, published on Countercurrents, 09/10/2024 An entire year has now passed since the Palestinian uprising of October 7. As we enter the second year of this war, it is important to take stock of the ways in which a year of war has changed the geopolitical situation and balance of power in West Asia and[…]

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Ukraine in the Sahel

Black Alliance for Peace AFRICOM Watch Bulletin #53, August 26, 2024 Since Niger and Mali exposed that Ukraine, a nation heavily reliant on the United States for military and economic support, is supporting terrorism in the Sahel, this has starkly exposed the contradictions inherent in AFRICOM’s mission on the African continent. AFRICOM was established under the premise of combating terrorism[…]

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October 7, The Election and Capitalist Crisis, A Conversation With Ajamu Baraka

by Margaret Kimberley and Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, October 8, 2024 Margaret Kimberley, Executive Editor and Senior Columnist of Black Agenda Report is again in conversation with Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report Editor and Contributor. The US presidential election is just four weeks away, and momentous events are occurring, particularly in Western Asia, where Israel continues its onslaught with[…]

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Al-Aqsa Flood Anniversary: Year of Historic Resistance and Solidarity

by Martha Grevatt, published on Workers World, October 9, 2024 The Palestinian Factions (National and Islamic Forces) explained in an Oct. 5 statement that: “The blessed Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood on the glorious 7th of October brought about a strategic shift in the struggle with the zionist occupation and revealed its true nature to the entire world. It came as[…]

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Julian Assange to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

by Julian Assange, Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, October 1, 2024 Julian Assange: “I want to be totally clear. I am not free today because the system worked. I am free today after years of incarceration because I pled guilty to journalism. I pled guilty to seeking information from a source. I pled guilty to obtaining information from a[…]

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The Year After Al Aqsa Flood

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, October 2, 2024 The maniacal alliance between the U.S. and Israel has exposed the sham of western democracy and the illusion of international law. Iran’s missile attacks on Israeli military targets were the result of a year of provocation. Months of restraint ended when Israel escalated its war on the rest of[…]

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