Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Escalation of imperialist aggression against Venezuela

Escalation of imperialist aggression against Venezuela: respond with revolutionary measures Venezuelanalysis republishes this analysis of the current conditions in Venezuela from Lucha de Clases, Feb 16, 2018,  in which they call for deeper revolutionary measures as a way out of the current economic crisis. It is clear that US imperialism and its lackey countries have increased aggression against Venezuela in[…]

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Regime Change Fails: Is A Military Coup Or Invasion Of Venezuela Next?

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, originally published on Popular Resistance, February 13, 2018 Speaking at his alma mater, the University of Texas, on February 1, Secretary of State Tillerson suggested a potential military coup in Venezuela.  Tillerson then visited allied Latin American countries urging regime change and more economic sanctions on Venezuela. Tillerson is considering banning the processing or sale of[…]

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Lamenting Venezuela’s ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ While Blocking Its Resolution

The responsibility of the U.S. citizenry and its press alike should be to oppose interference by our government. by Roger Harris, originally published in TeleSUR, 1/2/18 A New York Times headline screams “As Venezuela collapses, children are dying of hunger.” Lurid pictures show dead infants. A companion “article of the day teaching activities,” asks: “Why do some young children choose[…]

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Venezuela’s Fragile Revolution: From Chávez To Maduro

By Steve Ellner Above Photo: Andreas Lehner/ Flickr Professor Steve Ellner argues that by pinpointing strategic errors – especially in the context of unrelenting hostility by powerful forces on the right – Chavismo’s supporters and sympathizers can offer a corrective to the sweeping condemnations of the government of Nicolás Maduro now coming from both right and left. The Venezuelan experience of nearly[…]

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Ten Big Lies About Venezuela and Its Revolution

Cooperative in Caracas, Photo: Bill Hackwell By Carlos E. Lippo on December 15, 2017, from Resumen:  LatinoAmericano and the Third World For many years I have had the absolute conviction that the only thing that the capitalist system has managed to surpass socialism in, over these last 100 years since the first consolidated socialist revolution in history took place, is[…]

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Venezuela crisis intensifies with default

by Wayne Delucca. originally published on Socialist Action Credit agency Standard & Poor has ruled Venezuela in default after the country missed $237 million in scheduled bond payments. This comes amidst an economic crisis with official inflation around 4000% and price increases well over 1000%. President Nicolás Maduro’s attempt to restructure is hindered by sanctions that stop U.S. banks from[…]

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