Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

US Remittances to Cuba Suspended; the Hard Side of an Irrational Policy

from Prensa Latina, translated and published by Resumen English, February 10, 2025 Economic brutality against Cuba.  It is incomprehensible except in so far as some will destroy whatever they cannot own.   [jb[ A Western Union statement, cited in digital media, has revealed that, “due to a change in U.S. sanctions regulations,” the financial services company is forced to indefinitely suspend[…]

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What’s Left in Latin American and the Caribbean: Year 2024 in Review

by Roger D. Harris and John Perry, published on Internationalist 360º, December 26, 2024 The progressive regional current, the “Pink Tide,” could be better called “troubled waters” in 2024. The tide had already slackened by 2023 compared to its rise in 2022, when it was buoyed by big wins in Colombia and Brazil. Then, progressive alternatives had sailed into power[…]

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Alex Saab’s Statement Before Being Extracted from Cape Verde by United States Regime

Letter from Alex Saab, published on Orinoco Tribune, October 21, 2021 Editorial note: This letter was read—with tears in her eyes—by Camila Fabri, Alex Saab’s wife, during a demonstration in repudiation of the second kidnapping of the Venezuelan diplomat from Cape Verde by the US, held in Caracas’ Plaza Bolívar on Sunday, October 17, attended by a crowd of indignant[…]

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U.S. Plans – Sanctions and Famine for Afghanistan

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, August 24, 2021 Aug. 23 — U.S. politicians and journalists are all feigning deep concern about leaving behind tens of thousands of Afghans who worked for them. Meanwhile, U.S. financial institutions are busy planning a horrendous crisis for all Afghans, including their loyal collaborators. The cynical decision to seize all of Afghanistan’s assets[…]

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Oppose U.S. Sanctions on Venezuela, Illegal and criminal interference

Statement by the Chicago Anti-War Coalition (CAWC) This Statement is part of a series by the Chicago Anti-War Coalition (CAWC) updating the latest on the U.S. government’s brutal and illegal sanctions and attacks on various countries.  It is meant to help us build our opposition, and further join in the International Campaign Against U.S. Sanctions. This Statement mainly focuses on the U.S. sanctions[…]

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Missing Perspective in Media: Iran/Venezuela Ties Are None of US’s Business

by Gregory Shupak, published on Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, June 10, 2020 The American state not only snuffs out lives by pressing knees to necks domestically, it also seeks to asphyxiate entire countries like Iran and Venezuela. When the US empire’s foes defy Washington’s dictates, corporate media willingly participate in drumming up a crisis over it—even when what’s at[…]

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Defiance Against US Dollar War and Caesar Act Sanctions

by Hassan Nasrallah, published on Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies, June 16, 2020 Extract from the translation of a speech on June 16, 2020.   He is talking about the effects of the increasing US economic war on Lebanon (and also Syria).  This is interesting as it is an international reflection of the struggles of domestic resistance to the US racist[…]

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US Declares a Vaccine War on the World

by Prabir Purkayastha, published on Asia Times, May 27, 2020 Donald Trump launched a new vaccine war this month, but not against the virus. It was against the world. The United States and the UK were the only two holdouts in the World Health Assembly from the declaration that vaccines and medicines for Covid-19 should be available as public goods, and not under exclusive patent[…]

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Lift Syrian Sanctions Before Coronavirus Creates a Perfect Storm

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Middle East Discourse, March 16, 2020 The US and EU sanctions on Syria have taken a toll on the health and welfare of the Syrian people for many years.  They were designed to ‘hurt’ the Syrian government, but have only hurt the innocent unarmed Syrian civilians caught in the middle of a US-NATO-EU attack on[…]

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