Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

New Report: The Impact And Consequences Of US Sanctions

Statement by Sanctions Kill, published on Popular Resistance, September 14, 2021 NOTE: Sanctions Kill also created a toolkit that you can use to educate yourself and others about what sanctions are, why they are illegal and how they impact people within sanctioned countries and the United States. In recent decades, the US has increasingly used sanctions as an instrument of[…]

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US Trying to Extradite Venezuelan Diplomat for the ‘Crime’ of Securing Food for the Hungry

by Roger. D. Harris, published on Resumen English, May 21, 2021 The case of Alex Saab raises dangerous precedents in terms of extraterritorial judicial abuse, violation of diplomatic status, and even the use of torture to extract false confessions. This is according to Montréal-based international human rights lawyer John Philpot. He spoke on May 19 at a webinar sponsored by[…]

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Government Report Documents US Responsibility for Venezuela’s Humanitarian Dilemma

by Roger D. Harris, published on Resumen English, May 1, 2021 Venezuela was once one of the most prosperous countries in Latin America. The popular classes enjoyed major advances from the Bolivarian Revolution initiated by Hugo Chávez. Today Venezuela is experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis with severe humanitarian consequences. The US government blames the crisis on the mismanagement and corruption[…]

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World Police: Washington Seeks to Imprison Foreign Businesspeople for Violating Illegal US Sanctions

by Stansfiield Smith, published on The Grayzone, April 27, 2021 In violation of international law, the US is seeking to extradite and imprison foreign business people for circumventing its unilateral sanctions. Washington’s targets include Venezuelan national Alex Saab, North Korean Mun Chol Myong, and Chinese Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. (Aquí se puede leer este artículo en español.) The United States[…]

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The Negative Repercussions of “Sanctions”

by Pasqualina Curcio published on Resumen English, on February 1, 2021, from Caracas At the invitation of President Nicolás Maduro, Dr. Alena Douhan will visit our nation. Dr. Douhan is the Special Rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Commission covering the negative impact that unilateral coercive measures has on the enjoyment of human rights. She is coming to gather information[…]

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Guaido Accused of Blocking Vaccines as Venezuela Sends COVID-19 Aid to Brazil

by Paul Dobson, published on Venezuelanalysis, January 18, 2021 Mérida, January 18, 2021 – Venezuela’s self-declared “Interim President” Juan Guaido has allegedly refused to use funds under his control to purchase additional Covid-19 vaccines for the country. According to documents seen by Reuters, Guaido’s team turned down overtures from the Venezuelan Central Bank (BCV) to free up US $120 million[…]

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United States Imposed Economic Sanctions: The Big Heist

by Lauren Smith, published on MROnline, March 10, 2020 Since the start of the great recession in 2008 the U.S. has become increasingly dependent on the use of unilateral economic sanctions to achieve its policy objectives against its declared targets. Presently, sanctions impact one-third of humanity in 39 countries. Economic sanctions not only cause untold death and devastation to a[…]

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Why Sanctions During a Pandemic are Cruel and Mean Spirited

by Vijay Prashad and Paulo Estrada, published on MROnline, March 16, 2020 Swiftly moves the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), dashing across continents, skipping over oceans, terrifying populations in every country. The numbers of those infected rises, as do the numbers of those who have died. Hands are being washed, tests are being done, and social distance has become a new phrase.[…]

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Lift Syrian Sanctions Before Coronavirus Creates a Perfect Storm

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Middle East Discourse, March 16, 2020 The US and EU sanctions on Syria have taken a toll on the health and welfare of the Syrian people for many years.  They were designed to ‘hurt’ the Syrian government, but have only hurt the innocent unarmed Syrian civilians caught in the middle of a US-NATO-EU attack on[…]

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U.S. war on the defenseless / Sanctions harm one-third of world’s people

by Sara Flounders, published on International Action Center, December 3, 2019 The most insidious and pervasive form of modern warfare by Wall Street and the Pentagon, acting in coordination, is passing largely unnoticed and unchallenged. This calculated attack is rolling back decades of progress in health care, sanitation, housing, essential infrastructure and industrial development all around the world. Almost every[…]

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