Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

UAW Rank and File Demand their Union Divest from Genocide

published on Workers World, May 25, 2024 (UAW Labor for Palestine (UAW L4P) issued the statement below on May 10) United Auto Workers leadership must stop crossing the Palestinian trade union picket line and immediately divest from Israeli genocide! UAW Labor for Palestine has learned that the International Executive Board of the United Auto Workers [at its meeting held April[…]

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Largest Union Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza

by Rose Lemlich, published on Left Voice, December 2, 2023 The UAW International union has joined calls for a ceasefire and is exploring how to divest from Israel. This is a step which should inspire union activists to take up the fight to bring their union into the fight against Israel’s attack on Gaza and the struggle against imperialism. At[…]

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Courageous UAW strike ends with few gains

by David Jones, published on Socialist Action, November 14, 2019 Some 47,897 United Automobile Workers (UAW) ended their six-week strike against U.S. auto manufacturing giant General Motors on October 31. Fifty UAW-organized plants were closed across the country with the union demanding increased job security, a gateway for temporary workers to become permanent, better pay and to retain healthcare benefits.[…]

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GM to close five plants in US and Canada, slash 14,700 jobs

Photo: Workers leaving the Detroit-Hamtramck plant before the elimination of the second shift in March 2017 by Jerry White, from the World Socialist Website, November 27, 2018 General Motors officials announced yesterday that the Detroit-based automaker will close five plants in the US and Canada in 2019 and another two, still unspecified, plants outside of North America. The elimination of[…]

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