Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

New US Strategy in Syria For Regime Change

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, February 14, 2022 Syria seems forgotten in the U.S. but the Caesar Sanctions, U.S. proxy occupation of the oil wells and wheat fields, and Turkish support for Salafists (including ISIS and many foreigners) in Northern Syria leave the country  unable to rebuild or to meet the needs of the people.  If our attention[…]

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Massive Israeli Airstrikes on Latakia, Syria

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, December 28, 2021 Israel repeatedly strikes civilian targets in Syria, but it doesn’t even make the news over here.  Israel murders and imprisons hundreds of Palestinians every year, but it  is business as usual.  Israel illegally sabotages Iranian electrical plants and nuclear facilities, murders Iranian diplomats, scientists and others, and we applaud their[…]

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Assad Syria and China’s New Silk Road

by Matthew Ehret, published on Matthew Ehret’s Substack, December 9, 2021 Ever since Russia and China began challenging the Anglo-American scorched Earth doctrine in 2011 with their first vetoes against US intervention into Syria, the Gordian knots that have tied up the Arab world in chaos, division and ignorance for decades have finally begun to unravel. Where just one decade[…]

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The Syrian Charity Scam

by Paul Larudee, published in Covert Action Magazine, October 20, 2021 Are major charitable organizations supporting terrorist organizations through tax-deductible donations while denying aid to those they claim to serve? Doctors Without Borders, the Syrian Emergency Task Force, the International Rescue Committee, the Syrian American Medical Society, the White Helmets, Syrian Forum USA, Islamic Relief USA, CARE, the Syrian American[…]

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Iran, Syria Challenge U.S. Sanctions With Solidarity Shipments to Lebanon

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, September 21, 2021 The shipments, which began arriving Sept. 16, were announced weeks in advance and brought thousands of tons of desperately needed fuel. The Iranian ships openly moved from the Red Sea through the Suez Canal and into the Mediterranean Sea to Syria’s port of Baniyas. From the Syrian port, just north[…]

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War is a Racist Enterprise

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, September 1, 2021 Racism is an unspoken rationale for U.S. imperialist actions. The U.S.’s failure to prevent the Taliban from retaking political power in Afghanistan sparked feelings of panic in the foreign policy establishment. Warmongers and their loyal servants made endless demands for the twenty-plus year occupation to continue indefinitely. Familiar faces from[…]

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Bully Biden Bombs Syria, Slashes COVID-19 Payments and Drops $15 Minimum Wage

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, March 6, 2021 President Joseph Biden’s fealty to U.S. imperialism and its ruling class domestic agenda was demonstrated soon after his Jan. 20 White House arrival. Five days later he sent additional troops to northeastern Syria to fortify U.S. control of that U.S. beleaguered nation’s oil rich and most fertile agricultural region. On[…]

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U.S. Hands off Iran, Syria and Afghanistan!

Statement from Socialist Action National Committee, published on Socialist Action, January 11, 2021 President Trump’s waning months at the White House saw him cloistered with his top National Security team of warmakers considering whether to launch yet another round of deadly missile strikes against Iran. In the same timeframe, the ongoing U.S. imperial war against Syria saw multiple U.S.-Israeli-orchestrated missile[…]

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How the US Helped Push Lebanon to The Brink of Collapse

by Ben Norton, published on The Grayzone, August 13, 2020 As the people of Lebanon suffer through one of the worst economic crises in their nation’s conflict-ridden history, the Donald Trump administration is exploiting the disaster to force regime change and weaken Lebanese resistance groups. A massive explosion on August 4 devastated Lebanon’s capital Beirut, killing more than 150 people,[…]

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US vs Iran, Which Side Are You On?

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, January 30, 2020 On the brink of war with Iran the Trump administration presented to the American public and to the world the following stated or implied theses: That the U.S. was a civilized nation intent on preventing “terrorist nations” like Iran from destroying the world with nuclear weapons. That as the chief[…]

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