Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

54th National Day of Mourning Demands: ‘Land Back, from Turtle Island to Palestine!’

By Workers World Boston Bureau posted on Workers World, November 28, 2023 Plymouth, Massachusetts ~Over 2,000 Indigenous people and their supporters — with thousands more in attendance via live stream — shut down business as usual in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on Nov. 23 to commemorate the 54th National Day of Mourning (NDOM). Here — where millions of tourist dollars depend on[…]

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The Black Misleaders Promote Zionism

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, November 22, 2023 As zionists ramp up the pressure, the Black misleadership class readily succumbs to protect their precious positions and dubious prominence. In 2021 this columnist wrote, “The Palestine Litmus Test.” At that time Israel was carrying out one of its periodic attacks against Gaza, deliberately targeting civilians, and in doing[…]

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Shame on the US Ambassador to the UN: She Has Forgotten Her Roots

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, November 21, 2023 Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, has refused to ask for a ceasefire in Gaza to save lives, after more than 12,000 civilians have died, and half are children. Thomas-Greenfield’s policy statements suggest Israelis are deserving of human rights, while Palestinians are not. In 2015, Thomas-Greenfield received[…]

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The Issue is Not Racism But the Pan European White Supremacist Colonial/Capitalist Patriarchy!

by Ajamu Baraka,  published on Black Agenda Report, November 15, 2023 Racism should not be thought of as a matter of personal feeling or opinion, but of an exploitative system that is hundreds of years old. Presentation at the 30th Anniversary of the Black Community Process (PCN), Bogota, Colombia, November 12, 2023 The modern concept of race and what became[…]

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Palestine’s Right to Resist and Be Free: Debunking the October 7 “Massacre”

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, November 12, 2023 Tragically, too many antiwar activists and people of good will have felt compelled to include in their solidarity statements with the beleaguered Palestinian masses, a condemnation of the Hamas’s October 7 breaching the walls of its Gaza concentration camp and attacking its Zionist oppressors’ military facilities, settler communities and civilian[…]

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Israelis Keep Hurting Their Own PR Interests By Talking

by Caitlin Johnstone, published in Caitlin Johnstone’s Newsletter, November 13, 2023 One problem Israel keeps running into is how the institutionalized dehumanization of Palestinians which keeps the apartheid state operational also causes Israelis to say things that non-Israelis will find extremely shocking, which hurts Israel’s PR interests. We saw this illustrated in a recent New Yorker interview with Daniella Weiss,[…]

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With All Eyes on Gaza, Israeli Soldiers and Settlers Kill Dozens of West Bank Palestinians

by Brett Wilkins, published on Common Dreams, October 13, 2023 While the world watches Israel’s military pulverize Gaza amid anticipation of an imminent ground invasion of the besieged strip, Israeli soldiers and settlers—who are receiving thousands of assault rifles from the government—have killed dozens of Palestinians in the illegally occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem over the past week, officials[…]

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The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine

Statement by The Black Alliance for Peace, October 11, 2023 We say that a colonized people have a right to resist occupation and fight for self-determination by any means necessary! The Black Alliance for Peace stands in solidarity with the people of Gaza and all Palestinians under occupation in the racist, apartheid settler state of Israel. We recognize the right[…]

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A Political History of Zionism and Palestine

by Charles Pierce, published on Dissident Voice, October 10, 2023 1. Doctrine. Zionism was devised by some middle-class Jewish Europeans (most prominently Lev Pinsker and Theodore Herzl) as one response to horrendous late 19th century anti-Jewish persecutions in Europe. Like many of their contemporaries among nationalistic privileged-class European intellectuals and like the Nazis who came later, the Zionists conceived of[…]

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War in Africa and War in the Americas: Accelerating the End of White World Supremacy

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, August 2, 2023 “The structural crisis of capitalism in its neoliberal form has created a legitimacy crisis for the capitalist rulers, making the use of force a permanent strategy for maintaining their dominance.” (from the Black Alliance for Peace Website) The U.S. recently deployed troops to Peru to shore-up the coup in[…]

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