Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Julian Assange is Free

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, June 25, 2024 Thanks to all the activists across the country and around the world who made this possible. Below are some snippets from Julian’s friends who describe some of the details of his release. More later. A detained report is in preparation. Julian’s plea bargain agreement of guilt on one felony charge[…]

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Aafia Siddiqui Still Languishes in Prison After 20 Years

by Judy Bello, December 22, 2023 Aafia Siddiqui, a young Pakistani woman from an upper middle class family in Karachi, came to the U.S. to attend the University of Houston where her brother was already a student, received her bachelors degree from MIT, and a doctorate from Brandeis University in neuropsychology.  Her father, a doctor, had worked in Africa as[…]

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A call to free Leonard Peltier After 50 Years in Prison

by Phil Pasquini, published on Countercurrents, September 14, 2023 On Leonard Peltier’s 79th birthday, September 12 his family members along with hundreds of Native American activists and numerous supporters demonstrated at the White House calling on President Biden to grant him clemency so that he will not die in prison. Peltier, who was convicted in 1977 of killing two FBI[…]

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Inside the High-Security “Black Site” Where Leonard Peltier Is Incarcerated

by Silja J. A. Talvi, published on Truthout,  September 28, 2023 nbeknownst to most protesters who gathered at the White House on the occasion of Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier’s 79th birthday, Peltier wasn’t able to celebrate, much less receive reports on how the well-attended event was progressing. That’s because Peltier, who is now spending his 48th year in[…]

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Denial of Mumia’s Appeal: An Affront to Basic Justice and the Law

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, April 3, 2023 Philadelphia Mumia Abu-Jamal, his family and his supporters around the world had every reason and right to hope that all their hard work would pay off in persuading Judge Lucretia Clemons from the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas to follow and apply the law, as has been done in[…]

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Leonard Peltier’s 46 Years in Prison: ‘What Else Do You Want?’

by Mark Trahan, published on Fire This Time, Winter Edition 2023                        (originally published on the Navajo/Hopi Observer, October 18, 2023) Sadly, though according to this article, Leonard Peltier’s request for Clemency was sent to the President months ago, he remains in prison to this day.  Justice delayed is justice denied.  Free Leonard Peltier NOW!  [jb] Leonard Peltier’s name has[…]

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Mumia’s Appeal Dismissed; The “Mumia Rule” Still in Force in the Bosses’ Courts

by Noelle Hanrahan, published on Socialist Action, October 27, 2022 Dear Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal and social justice, Here’s an excellent article by Prison Radio’s Noelle Hanrahan on yesterday’s, October 26, racist court ruling in Philadelphia that effectively, and once again,  denied innocent and racist police frame-up victim and political prisoner, Mumia Abu-Jamal, justice and a new trial. Hanrahan recounts the[…]

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Political Prisoners in the USA

by AFGJ Staff, published on The Alliance for Global Justice, August 15, 2022 ** Read “While Claiming to Defend Freedom Around the World, the U.S. Has Dozens of Political Prisoners—and the Majority are People of Color”, a comprehensive analysis of Political Imprisonment in the United States today. Introduction Below is a list of individuals who are currently incarcerated in the[…]

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Russell “Maroon” Shoatz is Free, But Others Languish

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, October 27, 2021 Russell “Maroon” Shoatz has been granted compassionate release after 50 years in prison. The length of his sentence is outrageous but it is hardly unique. The United States not only has the dubious distinction of being the country with the largest population of incarcerated people, but it also has[…]

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