Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S./Canada/E.U. Hands Off Venezuela!

The Venezuelan opposition in 2016. Maduro has the support of the poor and the working class in Venezuela. The opposition boycotted the 2018 election and Maduro won handily. ~ Protest photo from Business Insider by Marco Bello (Reuters), Election photo from USA Today By Alison Bodine, originally published on Fire This Time Nicolas Maduro was re-elected as President of Venezuela[…]

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Venezuela Defeats US In Election

Above: Graffiti depicting late Venezuelan President (1999-2013) Hugo Chavez (L), South American independence hero, the liberator, Simon Bolivar (C) and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela. Getty Images. by Kevin Zeese, originally published on Popular Resistance Upon returning to the United States from Venezuela and reading the terrible media reporting of the election, it was evident that the people of the[…]

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Venezuela Heart of America: Maduro YES Trump NO

Previously published in ALBA Movimientos / The Dawn News / May 8, 2018 and TeleSUR Next May 20 the presidential elections will be held in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in a context of a multi-dimensional war organized by the empire. The Venezuelan people are suffering from a terrible economic embargo, diplomatic isolation, with paramilitary deployments in their territory as[…]

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Exonerating the Empire in Venezuela

by Gregory Shupak, originally published in FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), March 22, 2018 The United States has for years undermined the Venezuelan economy with economic sanctions, but US media coverage of Venezuela’s financial crisis has gone out of its way to obscure this. The intent of the sanctions is clear: to inflict maximum pain on Venezuela so as[…]

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The 12 Victories of Venezuelan President Maduro in 2017

By Ignacio Ramonet , from Fire This Time, originally published on TeleSUR. Maduro has confirmed – with his twelve brilliant victories of 2017- that he continues to be “indestructible.” To begin with, we must remember that President Nicolás Maduro is the most unjustly harassed, slandered and assaulted president in the history of Venezuela. Even more than Hugo Chávez himself, founder[…]

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U.S. and Allies Look to Military Intervention in Venezuela

The signals that the U.S wants the military to overthrow Nicolas Maduro, the elected president of Venezuela, are growing stronger by the day. | AP by W.T. Whitney, Jr. originally published on People’s World, Feb 20, 2018 The Bolivarian social and political movement first led by former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and holding state power since 1999 has long faced[…]

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Regime Change Fails: Is A Military Coup Or Invasion Of Venezuela Next?

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, originally published on Popular Resistance, February 13, 2018 Speaking at his alma mater, the University of Texas, on February 1, Secretary of State Tillerson suggested a potential military coup in Venezuela.  Tillerson then visited allied Latin American countries urging regime change and more economic sanctions on Venezuela. Tillerson is considering banning the processing or sale of[…]

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Lamenting Venezuela’s ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ While Blocking Its Resolution

The responsibility of the U.S. citizenry and its press alike should be to oppose interference by our government. by Roger Harris, originally published in TeleSUR, 1/2/18 A New York Times headline screams “As Venezuela collapses, children are dying of hunger.” Lurid pictures show dead infants. A companion “article of the day teaching activities,” asks: “Why do some young children choose[…]

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