Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. Spreads Misery Across the Globe Imposing Sanctions on a Third of Humanity

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on Covert Action Magazine, January 2, 2023 …Yet There is Almost No Opposition or Outcry—Even When Sanctions are Increasingly Having a Boomerang Effect The U.S. may try piously to defend sanctions as a ‘response to foreign tyranny,’ but they are really a pretext to steal foreign bank accounts and cripple commercial rivals of U.S. corporations. On[…]

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The “Leftism” of the Americas Collapses at the Door of Haitian Sovereignty

by Jemima Pierre, published on Black Agenda Report, September 28, 2022 While many are celebrating the potential rise of another “Pink Tide” in Latin America and the emergence of a truly multipolar world, it seems clear that the fight for Haitian sovereignty will continue to be outside of “leftist” imaginations. It is an exhilarating time for the “leftists” of the[…]

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US in Latin America: Interference, Extortion and Blackmail in Times of Global Reconfiguration

by Jorge Elbaum, published on Resumen English, August 24, 2022 The disordered and brutal intentionality of the United States to control the political, economic, communicational, military and cultural orientations of Latin America is linked to the loss of its relevance in the region. Last Thursday, the U.S. Ambassador to Argentina, Marc Stanley, arrogated to himself the right to give his[…]

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AMLO Is Trying to Free Mexico and Latin America from the US’s Imperial Grip

by Medea Benjamin, published on Resumen English, June 23, 2022 President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is wildly popular among Mexicans at home and abroad. It’s not just because of his domestic policies: AMLO is also playing a key role in challenging US dominance in Latin America. When Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador traveled to Washington, DC, on July 12,[…]

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Why Nonalignment Is an Urgent Imperative for the Global South

by Nontobeko Hlela, distributed by Globetrotter, May 2, 2022 South Africa and other countries that have abstained from voting against Russia at the United Nations General Assembly in response to the war in Ukraine face intense international criticism. In South Africa, the domestic criticism has been extraordinarily shrill, and often clearly racialized. It is frequently assumed that abstention means that[…]

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The War in Ukraine and its Effects on Latin America and the Caribbean

by Carlos Mauricio Ferolla and Marcelo Depieri , published on Resumen,  March 23, 2022 On February 24, war broke out in Ukraine after the invasion of the Russian army. The war has a global impact on a multipolar international system, hyperconnected and in a critical state, undergoing a process of hegemonic transition from the West to the East. The military[…]

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Washington Watches as China and Latin America Deepen Their Ties

by Marco Fernandes, produced by Globetrotter, April 6, 2022 Less than a week after the start of Russia’s military intervention, Juan Sebastian Gonzalez, senior director of Western Hemisphere affairs at the U.S. National Security Council, in an interview with Voice of America (a State Department asset), stated that “the sanctions against Russia are so robust that they will have an[…]

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Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Signifies the End of an Era of Unipolar American Power

by Daniel Kovalik, published on Covert Action Magazine, March 24, 2022 Russia had drawn a line in the sand and, once violated, defied Washington by acting to defend its interests. A lot of countries support Russia, and Washington is powerless to stop it. If you are like me, you have been glued to the news about the Russian military operation[…]

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2021 Latin America and the Caribbean in Review: The Pink Tide Rises Again

by Roger D. Harris, published on MLToday, December 30, 2021 US policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean continued in a seamless transition from Trump to Biden, but the terrain over which it operated shifted left. The balance between the US drive to dominate its “backyard” and its counterpart, the Bolivarian cause of regional independence and integration, continued to tip[…]

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