Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Criminal Embargoes: Venezuela and Iran in the Crosshairs of Murderers Inc.

By Peter Koenig, Published on Global Research, August 10, 2019 Imagine just for a moment, the World would stand up in unison, sick and tired of the aggressive killer arrogance of the United States and her vassals – and their joint war-force called NATO – and this World, our World, what’s left of it when you deduct Washington and its[…]

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The World Is Uniting For International Law, Against US Empire

by Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, published on Popular Resistance, August 11,  2019 “We oppose the extraterritorial application of unilateral measures.“ That is not Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran, Russia, or China talking about the most recent unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States against Venezuela, i.e. economic sanctions that have become an economic blockade, but the European Union. Even allies[…]

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The NYT’s Pro-War Arguments Against War With Iran

by Gregory Shupak, from FAIR, August 9, 2019 The New York Times has published five editorials since the beginning of May that are ostensibly critical of a possible military war between the United States and Iran. As anti-war arguments, however, they are woefully lacking—vilifying Iran without subjecting the US to comparable scrutiny, and hiding US aggression towards Iran. The editorials[…]

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Another Perspective on Middle East Peace

by Pepe Escobar,  published on Information Clearing House, August 6, 2019 Russia is meticulously advancing Eurasian chessboard moves that should be observed in conjunction, as Moscow proposes to the Global South an approach diametrically opposed to Western sanctions, threats and economic war. Here are three recent examples. Ten days ago, via a document officially approved by the United Nations, the[…]

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Sanctions Kill: Economic Warfare and the Migration Crisis (Video)

by Sara Flounders published on the Peace Report Station on Youtube, July 25, 2019 Sara gives an excellent lecture on the recent history, the political and economic components of international sanction  and the context of modern siege warfare. Sara Flounders is an American political writer who has been active in ‘progressive’ and anti-war organizing since the 1960s.  Sara is Co-Director[…]

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US and Iran Stuck on Negotiation Ground Zero

by Pepe Escobar, published on Consortium News, July 25, 2019 All bets are off in the geopolitical insanity stakes when we have the President of the United States (POTUS) glibly announcing he could launch a nuclear first strike to end the war in Afghanistan and wipe it “off the face of the earth” in one week. But he’d rather not,[…]

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U.S. Takes Aim at Iran, Threatens Military Action

by Nick Baker, published on Socialist Action, July 9, 2019 As U.S. imperialism ceaselessly spreads its tentacles around the globe, its latest victim, yet again, is Iran, the strategically located oil-rich Middle Eastern nation that has resisted U.S. and British colonial domination for over a century. Since its 1979 Revolution that ousted the murderous dictatorship of Shah (meaning “King”) Reza[…]

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As Conflict With Iran Escalates, Path To Peace Can Be Found

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Published in the Popular Resistance Newsletter, June 23, 2019 The recent escalation of conflict between the United States and Iran threatens another US military quagmire that would create crisis and chaos in Iran, the region and perhaps globally as well as costing the US trillions of dollars. The US needs to change course —[…]

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WWP Editorial: No war on Iran!

Published on Workers World, June 15, 2019, from the Editor The U.S. government is charging that on June 13 Iran attacked two oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz  — the Norwegian-owned MT Front Altair and the Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous. The threat of yet another U.S. military aggression in an area already devastated by decades of war is very real.[…]

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Freedom Rider: Iran and Endless War

by Margaret Kimberley, Published on Black Agenda Report, June 19, 2019 Americans are, indeed, exceptional – the most gullible public in the world, always ready to believe their leaders’ lies. “The increasing closeness between China, Russia and their central Asian partners is a reaction to U.S. threats and aggressions.” The latest in the saga of the desperate empire is the[…]

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