Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Reclaiming Africa’s Early Post-Independence History

by By Adebayo Olukoshi, Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei, Aishu Balaji and Anita Nayar in Accra, Ghana, published on Consortium News, October 30, 2020 In 1965, Kwame Nkrumah described the paradox of neocolonialism in Africa, in which “the soil continue[s] to enrich, not Africans predominantly, but groups and individuals who operate to Africa’s impoverishment.” He captured what continues to be an essential feature[…]

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Examining the Wreckage White Supremacy and Imperialism Have Wrought

by Nick Estes and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, published on Black Agenda Report, August 5, 2019 Indigenous and African resistance and intellectual traditions provide key insights to the very nature of capitalism and how it has unfolded throughout space and time. “The young people in the streets are true revolutionary theoreticians, moving history along, sometimes at speeds that feel daunting.” The United[…]

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The Real Looters Pocketed $11.7 Billion

by Dierdre Griswold, published on Workers World, June 5, 2020 Who are the real looters? They wear elegant business suits, not hoodies or jeans. They dine at fancy restaurants, not hotdog stands. They hang out in boardrooms, not on street corners. They don’t rob banks. They ARE the banks. They are the U.S. financiers who punish the poor by charging[…]

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US Government Fears China Will Give Away COVID-19 Vaccine for Free

by Alan McLeod, published on MintPress News, May 4, 2020 he number of official global coronavirus mortalities surpassed a quarter of a million people today, including over 69,000 in the U.S. (although this is very likely an undercount). Polls show that the American people are extremely worried about contracting the virus. However, the government has a much bigger concern: that[…]

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Is There Any Better Time Than Now For a General Strike?

by Sonali Kolhatkar, published on Counterpunch, April 21, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into stark relief the inequalities baked into the U.S.’s capitalist system—one that deems nurses and grocery workers “essential,” but leaves them with just as few rights and privileges as they had before the crisis struck. The scenario before us, where society depends more than ever on[…]

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Capitalism Is the Virus! Bail Out Working People, Not the Corporate Elite!

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action. The U.S. Senate’s March 25, $2 trillion 97-0, COVID-19 corporate bailout vote gifted the ruling rich an amount never exceeded in world history. The overwhelming portion went directly to the coffers of the billionaire elite for whom the lives of literally millions of Americans are subordinate to their horror at seeing their casino[…]

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Late Stage Imperial Omni-Crisis: Death by Virus and Internal Contradictions

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, March 19, 2020 The epidemic reveals the stark truth, that the US dismantled and privatized its public health system, to fatten the pockets of the oligarchy and render working people more helpless and dependent. “Citizens have become aware that the oligarchs – their rulers — are the vectors of mass insecurity, sickness[…]

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