Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Gaza Is Not a Country, and so Israel Is Not Protecting Its Borders

Gaza Strip – May 15 – Israeli Soldiers are shooting civilians in their legs. But they have killed many. Others are in critical condition. Hospitals are swamped with over 3,000 patients. Gaza Strip – May 15, Reuters by Aida Winfred, originally published on Mondoweiss A BBC report published July 20, 2018 accepts the framing of killing of Palestinian civilians as a “defense[…]

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Massive Anti-Racist Crowd Shows, Fringe-Reality Of Racists

By Kevin Zeese, originally published on Popular Resistance, August 12, 2018 The Unite The Right Rally today, one year after the one in Charlottesville, can only be described as a complete flop. The racists were unable to fill a single train car and were dwarfed by police surrounding them and over ten thousand anti-racists, who gathered in various parts of Washington,[…]

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Canada vs. the Rule of Law

David Swanson looks at the recent diplomatic incident which began the Canadian Ambassador complained to the Saudi Prince the abusive treatment of dissident Raif Badawi, and now his sister, a feminist activist in Saudi Arabia.  It’s a nice story where Canada looks pretty righteous.  Other writers have pointed to the hypocrisy of Canada, who is a partner in the ongoing[…]

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Was Patrice Lumumba’s Assassination the Most Important of the Last Century?

by Maurice Carney, first published on TRTWorld, August 6, 2018 The assassination was a disaster not only for the Democratic Republic of Congo, but for the entire African continent. More than half a century later, its shockwaves still reverberate. The assassination of Congo’s first democratically elected prime minister, Patrice Emery Lumumba on January 17, 1961 has been famously termed “the[…]

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The U.S. is Funding a War on Poor People in the Philippines

Activist Leticia Espino was injured and rushed to the hospital after a protest against the condiments company NutriAsia was violently dispersed by armed security guards and the Philippine National Police. by Noah Alexander Flores, originally published on The Progressive, August 9, 2018 The Philippine National Police, implicated in the suppression of labor movements and President Duterte’s war on drugs, receive[…]

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India Mortgaged? Forced-Fed Illness and the Neoliberal Food Regime

US retail giant Walmart bought 77 per cent stake in Indian online website Flipkart in a $16 billion deal. India does not allow retail monoplies like Walmart to enter Indian market. Walmart’s acquisition of Flikart is seen as a back door entry which may put thousands of small vendors out of business. ~by Angela Ferrao an independent editorial cartoonist. by[…]

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America’s Secret War on Yemen

by Jack Dresser, originally published on CounterPunch Far too few Americans seem to be asking an obvious question, why is the United States supporting the genocidal Saudi war upon Yemen?  Considering that Yemen’s humanitarian crisis now exceeds every other disaster in the world, this vital question deserves an informed and serious answer incorporating the geography and history that Americans learn[…]

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