Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Syria Forming a New Constitutional Draft Committee

Steven Sahiounie,  Published on the Middle East Observer,  August 5, 2019 UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen said, “I’m very pleased that now we seem to be closer to establishing the constitutional committee,” Syria’s post-war government and new constitution are seen as crucial components of the Syrian peace process which could see the end of the 8-year conflict. A 150-member committee made up[…]

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The 9% Lie: Industrial Food and Climate Change

by Ronnie Cummins, published on Countercurrents, July 27, 2019 The Climate Emergency is finally getting the attention of the media and the U.S. (and world) body politic, as well as a growing number of politicians, activists and even U.S. farmers. This great awakening has arrived just in time, given the record-breaking temperatures, violent weather, crop failures and massive waves of forced[…]

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US federal court exposes Democratic Party conspiracy against Assange and WikiLeaks

by Eric London, published on Countercurrents, August 1, 2019 In a ruling published late Tuesday, Judge John Koeltl of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, delivered a devastating blow to the US-led conspiracy against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. In his ruling, Judge Koeltl, a Bill Clinton nominee and former Assistant Special Prosecutor for the Watergate[…]

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120 Countries Defend Venezuela at the Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Caracus

Published on Resumen LatinoAmericano, July 20, 2019 The 120 Member States of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries (NAM), approved on Saturday an official document ratifying their recognition to the government of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros, reject any attempt to expel the South American country from the Organization of the United Nations (UN) and[…]

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Activists Confront 2020 Candidates in Iowa About Drones and War

by Nick Mottern, published on Truthout, July 26, 2019 In late July, the MQ-9 Reaper drone, the U.S.’s foremost killer drone, will enter the Iowa presidential primary contest in a cable TV ad that challenges 2020 Democratic presidential candidates to pledge to end all U.S. drone attacks, close U.S. drone bases and work for a global ban on weaponized drones.[…]

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US and Iran Stuck on Negotiation Ground Zero

by Pepe Escobar, published on Consortium News, July 25, 2019 All bets are off in the geopolitical insanity stakes when we have the President of the United States (POTUS) glibly announcing he could launch a nuclear first strike to end the war in Afghanistan and wipe it “off the face of the earth” in one week. But he’d rather not,[…]

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The Russians Are Coming, for Kamala Harris

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July 24, 2019 The lightweight senator hopes voters will let her party off the hook for its failures if the word Russia is repeated often enough. “She has gotten away with spewing foolishness and telling black people that they didn’t really support Colin Kaepernick as much as they thought.” Kamala Harris seems[…]

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NicaNotes: A Gringo in the Plaza: 40 Years of Sandinista Struggle

David Archuleta Jr., National Co-Coordinator AFGJ (Alliance For Global Justice), July 14, 2019 Not even the mosquito-rich Managuan heat could stop the onrush of Nicaraguans from every department in the country to the Plaza de la Fe. They came adorned with FSLN hats, #danielsequeda t-shirts, red and black on every possible accessory. Thousands came by bus, cramming every seat and[…]

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