Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Self Determination for Kashmir

By Ruwan Munasinghe, published in Socialist Action, August 8, 2019 Late on Sunday, Aug. 4, with hardly a notice, India moved tens of thousands of troops into what is already the most militarized region on the planet. In Indian-administered Kashmir, politicians, especially opposition leaders (but even some loyal to India), were placed under house arrest. Internet and landline service have been[…]

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The New Cold War Against China

By Fred Goldstein posted to Workers World on August 14, 2019 During the Cold War and the struggle that put the USSR and China on one side and imperialism, headed by Washington, on the other, revolutionaries used to characterize the conflict as a class war between two irreconcilable social systems. On one side was the socialist camp, based upon socialized[…]

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Criminal War Propaganda Directed against Iraq and Syria

by Mark Taliano, published on Global Research, August 19, 2019 When we play their game, we will always lose, and they will always win. “They” are the largely unelected “Permanent State”, sometimes called the “Deep State”. “They” are the publicly bailed-out transnational, corporate monopolies and their political fronts that destroy domestic and foreign economies with their supranational “trade” agreements, their[…]

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FBI Ranks Black Activists a Bigger Threat than Al Qaeda

from Telesur English, August 15, 2019 In 2017, the term “Black Identity Extremists” was introduced as a designation to single out Black people who are protesting police brutality. Leaked documents from the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation show that so-called “black identity extremists,” animal rights, environmental and anti-authority activists are ranked at the top of the agency’s counter terrorism[…]

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Manufacturing Normality

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on, August 13, 2019 If people could see the world with fresh eyes, as though they were viewing it for the very first time, they would suddenly find themselves smashed between two equally strong yet wildly different experiences. On the one hand, they would experience breathless awe at the thunderous beauty of everything that exists.[…]

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The World Is Uniting For International Law, Against US Empire

by Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, published on Popular Resistance, August 11,  2019 “We oppose the extraterritorial application of unilateral measures.“ That is not Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran, Russia, or China talking about the most recent unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States against Venezuela, i.e. economic sanctions that have become an economic blockade, but the European Union. Even allies[…]

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What’s behind Hong Kong protests?

By Sara Flounders , published on International Action Center, August 16, 2019 The demonstrations in Hong Kong, now an open confrontation with the People’s Republic of China, have a global impact. What are the forces behind this movement? What provides the funds and who stands to benefit? The increasingly violent demonstrations in Hong Kong are completely embraced and enthusiastically supported[…]

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No Racism, Just Russians

The absurd claim that Russians have orchestrated US racial strife is designed to nullify Black outrage and discredit those who fight oppression. “The Russiagate corpse is reanimated again and again.” By all accounts the Russiagate faux scandal and the hysteria it spawned should be dead. The tale of intrigue which claimed that the Donald Trump campaign colluded with the Russian[…]

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The NYT’s Pro-War Arguments Against War With Iran

by Gregory Shupak, from FAIR, August 9, 2019 The New York Times has published five editorials since the beginning of May that are ostensibly critical of a possible military war between the United States and Iran. As anti-war arguments, however, they are woefully lacking—vilifying Iran without subjecting the US to comparable scrutiny, and hiding US aggression towards Iran. The editorials[…]

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Parallels Between Black and Palestinian Struggles

by Johnny E. Williams, published on Black Agenda Report, May 29, 2019 Blacks and Palestinians struggle against the same global matrix of interlocking oppressions. “Just as the US Black midleadership class accommodate systemic white racism, the Palestinian misleadership class grease the gears of Israeli apartheid.” My recent visit to Palestine clarified how Palestinian and black oppression is an integral part of[…]

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