Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Mass Joblessness Deepens in US as Corporations Move to Implement Permanent Layoffs

by Shannon Jones, published on World Wide Socialist Website, May 8, 2020 US government figures released today show mass unemployment in April unlike anything seen since the Great Depression, as the official unemployment rate hit 14.7 percent. According to the Department of Labor, 20.5 million jobs were lost in April, a number far larger than anything ever previously recorded. Looked[…]

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Civilian Testimony: US Drones Continue to Slaughter Civilians

CJ Werleman, published on ByLineTimes, May 6, 2020 Background In what’s been described as a “rare admission” of culpability, the United States military acknowledged on Monday it had killed two civilians and injured three more when it carried out a drone strike in Somalia more than a year ago. “Regrettably two civilians were killed and three others injured in a[…]

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Pivot To Peace Must Replace US Pivot To War With China

by Margaret Flowers & Kevin Zeese, published on Popular Resistance, May 10, 2020 The Trump administration, in seeking to divert attention from its bungled response to the COVID-19 pandemic and mishandling of the economic collapse, is escalating the bipartisan anti-China policy, which has a long history. This increases the potential of military conflict and economic war between our countries. President[…]

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US Government Fears China Will Give Away COVID-19 Vaccine for Free

by Alan McLeod, published on MintPress News, May 4, 2020 he number of official global coronavirus mortalities surpassed a quarter of a million people today, including over 69,000 in the U.S. (although this is very likely an undercount). Polls show that the American people are extremely worried about contracting the virus. However, the government has a much bigger concern: that[…]

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The United States of Distraction, A Book Review

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, May 6, 2020 The authors recount and document the descent into “post-truth” partisan journalism from the alt-right to the right, liberal, and even independent left media, between 2016 and now. “Team Clinton had imagined Trump would be the easiest Republican to beat, but the strategy backfired.” The complete title of Mickey Huff[…]

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Corporations and the Pandemic: Bandits at the Till

by James Fortin, published on Socialist Action, May 3, 2019 “The thieves did not even have to show their guns. The door was unlocked, and the till was left wide open. The robbers just scooped up the cash and left. Surely, the thieves had help. It was an inside job.” This not-so-imaginary account of a heist perfectly describes what corporations[…]

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A Decaying Empire: Residual Terrorism and Barbaric Fundamentalism

by Stella Calloni, published by Internationalist 360°, May 1, 2020 The attack against the headquarters of the Cuban Embassy in Washington in the early hours of this Thursday, April 30 could never have taken place without the complicity of the powers-that-be, since it is an area in the neighborhood of the heavily guarded diplomatic headquarters, a reminder that without the[…]

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Are We About To Lose The US Postal Service?

By A Grand Alliance To Save The Postal Service, published on Popular Resistance, April 8, 2020 Bailout our public institutions before the corporations! NOTE: Popular Resistance is a member of A Grand Alliance to Save the Postal Service. We urge you to take action. Politico reports: “The U.S. Postal Service could be gone by June unless Congress immediately delivers billions[…]

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May Day 2020: ‘Capitalism is killing us!’

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, May 5, 2020 This year’s celebrations of May 1, International Workers’ Day, in the United States reflected the growing coast-to-coast fightback of workers confronting their bosses’ and the capitalist system’s total disregard for worker health and job safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The array of workers’ actions is historic, with essential workers in[…]

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