Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Covid-10 and America: The Fire This Time

by Wilmer, J. Leon III, published on Black Agenda Report, May 6, 2020 It is immoral if not criminal for the US to increase sanctions through its “maximum pressure campaigns” against Venezuela, Iran, Cuba and Palestine. “Weaponizing disease for political purposes to bring about regime change is the same as germ warfare and should be considered a crime against humanity.” Time[…]

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Mass Unemployment is a Failure of Capitalism

by Richard D. Wolff, published on NewsClick, May 10, 2020 The difficulties caused to workers by record unemployment during the pandemic are a product of capitalism. Most of the time, employers decide to hire or fire workers depending on which choice maximizes employers’ profits. Profit, not the full employment of workers nor of means of production, is “the bottom line”[…]

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The US Military is Hell-Bent on Trying to Overpower China

by Vijay Prashad, published on People’s Dispatch, May 12, 2020 On April 1, Admiral Philip Davidson—the head of the US Indo-Pacific Command—told the US Congress that he would like $20 billion to create a robust military cordon that runs from California to Japan and down the Pacific Rim of Asia. His proposal—titled “Regain the Advantage”—pointed to the “renewed threat we[…]

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A 21st Century Lynching: Justice for Ahmaud Arbery!

by Dianne Mathiowetz, published on Workers World, May 12, 2020 In the early afternoon of Feb. 23, shots rang out on the tree-lined streets of Satilla Shores, a predominantly white neighborhood bordering the port city of Brunswick on Georgia’s Atlantic coast, some 40 miles north of Jacksonville, Fla. Afterward, a 25-year-old Black man, Ahmaud Arbery, lay dead on the pavement.[…]

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COVID-19: US Pulls Plug on Global Ceasefire Resolution

by Dali ten Hove, published on Consortium News, May 11, 2020 After six weeks of negotiations, the United States shot down hopes for a resolution to be approved in the United Nations Security Council on May 8, refusing to back worldwide ceasefires as the U.S. continues to castigate China and the World Health Organization for the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, momentum[…]

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Send Emails By May 20 Urging Germany: “Don’t Arm Your Drones.”

by Nick Mottern, published on KnowDrones, May 8, 2020 The German Parliament is about to enter a decisive stage in the only public debate ever to be required by the ruling parties of a NATO-member state regarding whether to acquire lethal killer drones. Other NATO countries have blindly followed the U.S. and Israeli precedent without much public discussion. This unique[…]

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