Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

What’s behind Zionist Cancel Culture? Turning ‘Racism’ Upside Down

by Tim Anderson, published on the American Herald Tribune, December 15, 2020 In recent times western left-liberalism has been criticised for its ‘cancel culture’, because of an obsession with language and individual identity politics. Yet reactionary cancel culture has been around much longer, with its McCarthyist purges. To this reactionary camp we should add ‘zionist cancel culture’ (ZCC), where those[…]

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Aleppo’s Liberation Four Years Ago: Lest We Forget

by Jan Oberg, initially published on The Transnational, December 13, 2020 A retrospective on the turning point in Syria, where the western powers drive to destroy the Syrian government and the fabric of Syrian society was checked and diverted into its current twisted formulation.   I think Jan is right that we should not forget what went before and how we[…]

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Resist the US/EU/NATO Axis of Domination

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, December 16, 2020 It is critical that the Black left understand U.S./European imperialism as a race project, and organize accordingly. “The Black internationalist stance must be seen as fundamental to our movement building work.” The ascendancy of neoliberal forces to the executive branch of the U.S. state represents a development that potentially[…]

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Biden’s Cabinet Picks: Ruling class politics or socialist revolution?

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, December 14, 2020 Insane people who study playing Russian roulette with a well-lubricated and seasoned six-shooter understand that the odds on survival are far greater than the expected 83.3 percent, that is, five out of six. That’s because the single loaded-bullet chamber is heavier than the empty chambers and is more likely, after[…]

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Statement of the World Peace Council Delegation to Venezuela

Statement of the World Peace Council Delegation to Venezuela on the Occasion of Serving as International Observers for Parliamentary Election Upon the invitation of the National Elections Council of Venezuela (CNE), a World Peace Council (WPC) delegation visited the country and attended as international observer for the December 6, 2020 Parliamentary Elections. It has been an inspiring opportunity for us[…]

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Venezuela Votes To End Neocolonialism, Create Its Own Path

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, December 6, 2020 A member of UNAC AC,  Margaret traveled to Venezuela to participate as an election observer.  She was a member of the Embassy Protection Collective last summer. [jb] On December 2, the Embassy Protection Collective (EPC) members, who were arrested in May 2019 when the United States illegally invaded the Venezuelan[…]

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