Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Nicaragua’s Indigenous Leaders Speak Out Against Misinformation and False Solutions

by Rick Sterling, excerpted from larger document by Stephen Sefton. You can download a PDF of this article HERE.  [jb] Nicaragua has an election upcoming on November 7. According to polls, the current Sandinista government is popular and expected to win. However, the Sandinista government is intensely disliked by Washington and there has been a steady stream of negative news[…]

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Encampment Cleared in a Racist Rush – Haiti Still Tottering

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, September 28, 2021 After images of the U.S. Border Patrol agents using long reins as whips against Haitians camped in Del Rio, Texas, trying to get into the U.S., spread worldwide, a top-level decision was made to shut the Del Rio camps down. Hundreds of progressive organizations condemned the Border Patrol’s actions —[…]

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“Race Norming” and Healthcare Jim Crow

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, September 29, 2021 Health care disparities are inevitable when notions of white superiority are guiding principles in every sector of society. The term “race norming ” ought to be immediately suspected as having a nefarious intent. Anything referred to as norming in a racist society invariably ends with Black people getting the[…]

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Reason to Celebrate: Meng Wanzhou Released

Statement by Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, September 29, 2021 The Cross-Canada Campaign to FREE MENG WANZHOU is very pleased that Madame Meng has been released after nearly three years of unjust detention in Canada and has returned home safely to China, to her family, and to her duties as CFO of Huawei, which employs 1300 workers in Canada.[…]

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AUKUS: Myth of a New “Cold War” Between the U.S. and China/Russia

by Jeff Mackler Socialist Action,  September 27, 2021 Friends, Jeff presents a different but useful perspective on China (and Western relations with China) from what you usually see here.  I invite discussion around this point. [jb] AUKUS, or the new and secretly negotiated $66 billion nuclear-powered submarine agreement between Australia, the United Kingdom and the U.S., has momentarily ruffled some[…]

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US and UN Treachery in the African Great Lakes Region: Why Rawandan Refugees Don’t Want to Go Home

by Ann Garrison, published on Black Agenda Report, September 8, 2021 The United States and the United Nations are responsible for the ongoing plight of Rwandan refugees. The term “United Nations” in front of the UN’s various humanitarian agencies is deceptive. It implies that they’re funded by the UN’s general budget and therefore are politically neutral. In fact, however, the[…]

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Iran, Syria Challenge U.S. Sanctions With Solidarity Shipments to Lebanon

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, September 21, 2021 The shipments, which began arriving Sept. 16, were announced weeks in advance and brought thousands of tons of desperately needed fuel. The Iranian ships openly moved from the Red Sea through the Suez Canal and into the Mediterranean Sea to Syria’s port of Baniyas. From the Syrian port, just north[…]

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