Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Clyde Bellecourt: the Thunder Before the Storm

by Stephanie Tromblay, published on Workers World, January 18, 2021 Hundreds gathered to honor the life of Clyde Bellecourt, White Earth Ojibwe, in Minneapolis, Jan. 13. Bellecourt, 85, was the last living founding member of the American Indian Movement and a lifelong civil-rights activist known worldwide. (Star Tribune, Jan. 13) Bellecourt, whose Ojibwe name is Neegawnwaywidung, (the Thunder Before the[…]

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After a Year of Biden, Why Do We Still Have Trump’s Foreign Policy?

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 19, 2022 President Biden and the Democrats were highly critical of President Trump’s foreign policy, so it was reasonable to expect that Biden would quickly remedy its worst impacts. As a senior member of the Obama administration, Biden surely needed no schooling on Obama’s diplomatic agreements with Cuba and Iran, both[…]

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The Manufactured Crisis in Ukraine Confirms Why NATO Must be Dismantled

Statement by Black Alliance for Peace, January 12, 2022 The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) concludes that the full responsibility for the dangerous crisis unfolding in Ukraine has its genesis in the illegal policies of the U.S./EU/NATO “Axis of Domination” beginning in 2014. As the corporate press presents a one-sided presentation of event in Ukraine as part of a massive[…]

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Living in Epoch-Defining Times: Food, Agriculture and the New World Order

by Colin Todhunter, published on Countercurrents, January 6, 2022 Farmerless farms manned by driverless machines, monitored by drones and doused with chemicals to produce commodity crops from patented genetically engineered seeds for industrial ‘biomatter’ to be processed and constituted into something resembling food. Data platforms, private equity firms, e-commerce giants and AI-controlled farming systems. This is the future that big agritech[…]

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Political Prisoners in Cuba and in the United States; Facts and Fiction, P1

by Gustavo Maranges, published on Resumen English, January 9, 2022 In recent days, we have witnessed an avalanche of accusations by United States government officials against Cuba for allegedly holding over 600 political prisoners after the protests on July 11. Assistant Secretary of state for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols and the Secretary of State Anthony Blinken have been among[…]

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David vs. Goliath: The Epic Military Mismatch Between Palestine and Israel

by Sarmad Ishfaq, published on Mondoweiss, January 12, 2022 If one has followed objective reporting on the animosity-filled skirmishes between Palestine and Israel, it becomes clear that the Palestinians have suffered far more in terms of human losses and otherwise in relation to the Israelis. Although there might be several explanations for this reality, the primary reason undoubtedly is the[…]

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U.S. − Hands Off Kazakhstan!

Statement by International Action Center, January 12, 2022 Noting here that the CSTO/Russian Peacekeepers left a few days after arriving.  [jb] Just days before urgent talks between Russia and the United States in Geneva, Switzerland, began Jan. 10, a widespread outbreak of fighting in the Central Asian country of Kazakhstan — including burning the presidential palace — resulted in Russia sending[…]

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War Film

by Kim Petersen, published on Countercurrents, January 15, 2022 A couple of brief comments. The theatrical excesses amount to something like Star Wars or the War of the Worlds or The Matrix 3.   A ragtag band of men take on a high tech army with humongous weapons that roll over everything in their path leaving a trail of destruction,[…]

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Solitary Confinement on Death Row — a Death Before Dying

by Gloria Rubac, published on Workers World, January 14, 2022 “It is inhumane, and by its design it is driving men insane. Solitary confinement makes the criminal justice system the criminal.” These words were testimony presented to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on solitary confinement June 19, 2012, by death row exoneree #138, Anthony C. Graves. ( Graves spent[…]

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