Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Clarifying the Definition of Antisemitism

by Tim Anderson, published on Black Agenda Report, January 29, 2020 The idea that Israel cannot be targeted or criticized as a “racist endeavor” is an absurd suggestion. “Any state that practices ethnic cleansing and civilian massacres, based on racial ideology, can and should be criticized for such serious crimes.” On 26 May, 2016 the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA),  a group which has[…]

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The Laughter of Their Children

by  Miko Peled, Published on Just World Educational, February 2019 Note: A new twist on the old adage “The best revenge is living well.”   I don’t usually carry stories about religious sects but this one illustrates an important perspective on Zionism.   During a visit to Belfast a few years ago, I was taken to see a large, outdoor mural[…]

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Ilhan Omar: Anti-Zionist Comments Smeared as Anti-Semitic

By Jeff Mackler and Bruce Lesnick, from Socialist Action,  April 2, 2019 In a new campaign reminiscent of the McCarthy era witch-hunt, politicians and media pundits have taken to smearing pro-Palestinian, pro-BDS activists as anti-Semitic. Singled out for special attention are those, like Somali-born Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, who happen to be people of color.[…]

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